Wednesday, October 21, 2015

DOJ Wants to Arrest You for Terrorism for Not Liking Them


The DOJ wants to arrest you for not liking them.
See here →

Propagandists for the U.S. ruling class—I mean, “spokespersons for the United States government”—usually choose their words carefully, trying to use insinuation to demonize their opponents, euphemisms to deify themselves, and other spin and lies to make freedom sound bad and authoritarian power sound good. But they’re not usually stupid enough to come right out and say, “war is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength” (see George Orwell’s “1984”). In most cases, to see their true agenda, you need to read between the lines. Sometimes, however, their totalitarian mentality is put on display for all to see.
Consider, for example, this CNN article, talking about how the DOJ wants to shift its focus more to domestic “terror groups.”
Just so we’re clear, I’m a voluntaryist myself, who believes in the non-aggression principle. I abhor actual assault, murder and terrorism (which, as it happens, is committed by agents of “government” far more often than by anyone else). So if someone is actually harming or endangering innocents, I hope someone stops them, using whatever it takes. Whether or not the aggressor, or the protector, wears a badge is totally morally irrelevant. Ain’t I just an extreme, dangerous kook? Anyway, back to the story.
The CNN article starts by quoting “government” officials saying that “domestic terror groups” are a greater threat to America than ISIS or al Qaeda. Well, since those (sometimes fictional) groups are no threat at all to America, that isn’t saying much. Then the article explains how, according to Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, the DOJ has a new plan “that will coordinate the investigation and prosecution of anti-government and hate groups.” That’s already a strange thing to say, since neither being anti-“government” nor hating someone is actually a crime. But wait. It gets worse.
Carlin is then quoted as claiming that “a number of violent attacks or plots against the U.S.” were motivated by “anti-government views, racism, bigotry and anarchy, and other despicable beliefs.” Of course, that wording was chosen to: 1) make people think that not liking the federal “government” means that you must be a racist and a bigot, and; 2) make people think that it’s “despicable” to not want to be ruled by a bunch of power-happy parasites.
The only specific example given of this supposed “anti-government” violence was the shooting of two cops in Las Vegas by Jerad and Amanda Miller back in mid 2014. Curiously, just after that happened, when I tried to find out more about those supposed “anti-government extremists,” I couldn’t find anyone who knew them. In fact, despite having about 4,000 Facebook “friends” at the time—most of them anarchists—I had no shared “friends” with the two. Gee, what are the odds?
But then comes the most amazing part of the article. The feds already declare certain groups (like ISIS and al Qaeda) to be “terror organizations,” and prosecute people for supporting such groups. But there is no equivalent law allowing the feds to prosecute “white supremacists,” the KKK, or “anti-government extremists.” So, according to the CNN article, those poor federal control freaks are forced to “find more concrete charges to lock them up.” Since “domestic terrorism” is not an actual crime, in and of itself, “domestic terror groups or actors must be prosecuted with firearms or explosives offenses, hate crimes or murder.”
Wow. Those poor federal persecutors, complaining about not being able to cage people for thinking things or associating with certain groups or ideas. What is the world coming to when you can’t lock someone up until they’ve actually threatened or tried to hurt someone? Apparently we need a Federal Department of Thought Police to protect us. Of course, given their twisted Orwellian terminology, I would absolutely count as an “anti-government extremist,” which means I’m one of those people (as are many readers of The Free Thought Project, no doubt) whom the DOJ really wishes they could lock up just for thinking things and saying things. I am openly and proudly anti-“government,” precisely because “government” is always pro-aggression, anti-freedom and anti-justice. I guess that makes me an “enemy of the people” who must be destroyed by any means necessary.
It is quite clear from Carlin’s comments that the fascists at the DOJ are not content to only go after people who actually harm (or try to harm) others. No, if you don’t like being ruled, if you think violent aggression is bad even when it’s “legal,” if you think all human interaction should be peaceful and voluntary, then you are despicable and dangerous, and the DOJ will be looking for new excuses to lock you up. Good to know.