Thursday, October 22, 2015

Charles County, MD - Family Assaulted by Cops for “Suspicion of Breast Feeding,” Dad Arrested for No Reason

Charles County, MD
Charles County, MD — An infuriating video posted to Facebook this week shows the grim and infuriating reality of incompetent and power tripping cops in police state USA.
Local artist, DC Prophitt was doing absolutely nothing wrong when he was approached by multiple Charles County Sheriff’s deputies. The deputies mistakenly thought that Prophitt’s girlfriend was breastfeeding their baby in the vehicle, so he decided to ruin their year.
The family was getting gas when their world was quickly turned upside down by badged agitators.
When the video begins, Prophitt is understandably aggravated by the stop and he was unafraid of voicing this emotion. As a deputy attempts to cite the couple for the non-existent “breast feeding violation,” Prophitt becomes even more upset.
“You say one more curse word, you’re going to jail,” said the deputy.
“Can we just get the ticket and go?” asks Prophitt’s girlfriend. “My daughters are in there.”
At this point, the deputy then grabs the woman and forces her to the other side of the vehicle. He then begins to threaten her with arrest too.
When Prophitt gets upset that the deputy is assaulting his girlfriend, he voices his concern to which the deputy replies, “Now your under arrest.”
When they ask why Prophitt is being arrested, the deputy asserts his authority, claiming that he is responsible for regulating how people should act in public. “There’s a certain way to act in public my friend, and that is not it,” spouts the deputy.

When his girlfriend asks why Prophitt is being arrested, she is told to “Sit in the car! Or you will be arrested too!”
The video then ends abruptly. According to Prophitt, however, his girlfriend did not stop recording. After police put Prophitt in the patrol car, they approached his girlfriend, assaulted her, took the camera, and confiscated her phone.
The phone was given back to them only days before the court date on Wednesday and the subsequent assault and camera snatching was deleted.
According to Prophitt, On Wednesday, he was found guilty of all charges and police are blaming him for the negative calls to the department from people who’ve seen his ridiculous arrest.
In the video below, a man was arrested, a woman assaulted, and state violence threatened — for what? There were no victims, no property had been damaged, and no one was harmed. This is the type of behavior by police that is driving a wedge in society between the state and everyone else.
Of course, people will say that Prophitt should have just been quiet, accepted the ticket, and he would have avoided the arrest. This is probably true. However, Prophitt’s anger is entirely understandable. He had harmed no one, yet he was surrounded by multiple armed state antagonists, who could and would have killed him with impunity.