Thursday, October 29, 2015

AUSTRALIA - Meanwhile In Oz

America’s testing ground in the Global War on Motorcycle Outlaws is Australia: As the Spanish Civil War was where the Nazis practiced for World War II.
Australia isn’t hogtied with a Bill of Rights so police there can be slightly more unreasonable than the police here are. The primary tool used to get bad guys on motorbikes in the state of Queensland is called the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act of 2013, or VLAD. Like Vlad the Impaler. The law, which was written with the advice of the American Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives makes it possible, for example, for police to detain someone who has the number “13” tattooed on his neck. And that is exactly what happened to a nice young couple of Australian tourists from the state of Victoria named Clayton Foelmli and Hayley Van Hostauyen. (Photo above.)
Australian news sources have reported that she is a 21-year-old preschool teacher and he is a 23-year-old member of the Rebels Motorcycle Club

Foelmli Says

The couple had just driven a rental car out of the Gold Coast Airport, south of Brisbane, when, according to Foelmi: “I have no club gear on at all. They simply seen me and my partner Hayley at a red light, noticed a 13 tattooed on my neck and pulled us over. Made us get out of car. I was strip searched on the side of a major freeway by four officers and told to get on the ground? Pfft! What a joke. Welcome to Queensland. As soon as we got pulled over I started recording because I have been advised to from a lawyer in case something like this may happen. The other female officer tells me I can’t film. Grabs me on the throat then pulls a Taser on me? For what? Executing my rights? After they worked out who I was after checking my ID, searching the car and all that the female officer in charge says to me, ‘We will make a deal with you. You delete that footage or else we will confiscate yours and your girlfriend’s phone for 28 days. So I unlocked my phone and the female officer in charge deleted the footage! Well lucky my phone saves deleted photos and videos.”
Van Hostauyen posted the video (below) on her Facebook page. As of this afternoon it has been viewed 2,833,790 times.
In the video, Foelmi asks if they were stopped because of his tattoos. “Yep, yep,” the cop relies. “You’d be aware we have legislation. If we identify a potential member of a criminal motorcycle gang we have the power to stop, detain and search you.”.

Good Cops

Assistant Commissioner Brian Codd of the Queensland Police Service said the young couple was harassed because, “There are numerous tattoos that are known through experience to be indicators of OMCG (Outlaw Motorcycle Club Gang) membership, and all I can tell you at this stage is that tattoo was one of those. It was coupled by other indicators upon interception about paraphernalia that relates to an outlaw motorcycle gang.”
Codd said the officers acted properly. The couple was released after being detained. So far, neither Foelmi nor Van Hostauyen have filed a formal complaint with police.