Thursday, September 3, 2015

‘Red Light Robin Hood’ Caught Rigging Cameras So They Can’t Give Tickets r

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Civil disobedience works. It is okay to get purposely arrested if you have a plan to fight the law..

By Casey Harper
A man completely fed up with red light cameras and their un-American tickets finally did something about it. Now some are calling him the “Red Light Robin Hood.”
Stephen Ruth of New York videoed himself using a long pole to push the red light camera up so it’s pointed toward the sky and not the intersection. Now he faces misdemeanor charges of criminal tampering and obstruction of governmental administration, Fox5NY reports.
“Did you ever think that the only ones that have to pay these tickets are hardworking Americans?” Ruth says in the video. “I did. I’m one of them.”
Ruth got into trouble when he did this to several cameras and posted a how-to video on Facebook.
“Of course I knew I would be arrested,” Ruth posted on Facebook. “I did it for the people who come back from war and get abused by these cameras. I did it because senior citizens are getting these, the same ones that went to war for us.”