Monday, July 27, 2015



In my opinion, the Waco Massacre happened because cops failed to perform their duty in a professional manner. They also failed to use simpler methods already proven to handle this exact situation, dating back beyond my era. Had they done so, there would have been no deaths, no wounded, no arrests, no constitutional violations and no need for a massive cover-up to hide their inexcusable criminal acts.
(A.) The police absolutely knew that the Texas COC was a legitimate political activist organization with business meetings held in a constitutional manner.
(B.) The police admitted they knew there was problems between The Cossacks, their support clubs and COC member clubs.
(C.) The cops admitted they knew the Cossacks and their support clubs were on their way with the intent to cause trouble and interrupt the COC’s scheduled meeting.
(D.) The cops admitted they were at the scene and ready for trouble prior to any problems.
They should have relied upon the method used by law enforcement officers many times in my day—Stop it before it happens! All the cops had to do was turn the trouble-makers away. How hard is that? It was standard procedure in my era; if LEOs had information suggesting there might be a potential altercation between clubs, one club would get turned around at the county line. That’s standard procedure. So why didn’t that simple solution happen?
The facts suggest some law enforcement agencies were too heavily involved, and were not looking for a peaceful resolution anyway. We all now know that they had undercover cops and informants in the clubs. They had major money and time invested, plus all that brand new military equipment to justify the cost of. They wanted a big show for the media, not a peaceful resolution.
The Waco police, prosecutor and the state courts are in collusion to extort all those arrested to plead guilty to some lesser criminal conduct for time served, instead of the ridiculous charges they were arrested for. The death and destruction caused by the Waco cops’ conduct cannot be left unchallenged. Everyone in the Waco government knows the city of Waco will be bankrupt if the citizens file civil complaints against those responsible for the death and destruction. The proof for a successful civil suit? Negligence that resulted in a denial of civil rights.
The city of Waco is desperate to get some kind of criminal conviction against those arrested. Pleading guilty to criminal activity would prevent those persons from successfully prosecuting a civil complaint.
This massacre has shown the American public just how biased law enforcement is against the biker community, and how police departments and the media are easily manipulated by the feds.
This is the time to stand together and fight for our rights. Waco should be made an example of, forcing other cities to stop and think before allowing SWAT teams to slaughter people without any justification. This is not Beirut or Tehran. This is the USA.
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