Saturday, May 16, 2015

RFID Skimming and tracking

RFID Skimming and tracking

What is it ?
(wikipedia mod defn) "RFID Skimming is a form of digital theft, which enables information from RFID based SMART CARDS and SMART PHONES (this means any card or phone that is chipped or stores data including licenses) to be read and duplicated. It can be used as a form of wireless identity theft or credit card theft among other forms of information theft.
Typically it works by illegitimate reading of RFID chips at a distance using a cheap RFID reader device, which downloads the card information. From there, it can be written to a new blank card, which then operates in the same manner as the original legitimate card. Because the data is identical on both cards, and the information is only copied, it makes no difference if the original data is encrypted or not"
How to stop it
RFID cards of any form can be placed in sleeves constructed of a highly specialised material that block the ability to scan the data. Only one card can be placed in each sleeve unless additional embedded anti-gussetting treatment is also applied to the specialised material.
Smart phones usually contain detailed personal information including bank account details and passwords. RFID sleeves also disable the ability to track the phone or remotely activate the microphone. The phone is disabled when in the sleeve.
Recommended use
SMART CARDS should always be carried in RFID sleeves. SMART PHONES should be carried in RFID sleeves when in densely populated locations such as shopping centres, movie theatres, sporting events, public transport and at any time the user wishes to block tracking and remote activation by godless, heathen, unclean and STD infected criminals.
Additional uses
Gift one to any person who believes their smart phone is the centre of the universe. It will drive them nuts.
I can access good ones that can accept up to 5 (five SMART CARDS and 1 (one SMART PHONE) for about $30.00 (I think). Only interested in friends, if anyone else wants one they can go through you.
Generic photo's are shown below to give you an idea of what they look like.
Share if you want to. Comments welcome.
email: if you might me keen - no promises yet.