Monday, March 9, 2015

USA - The Iron Order Racketeering Enterprise

The Iron Order Motorcycle Club got away with the murder of Black Piston Zachariah “Nas T” Tipton in the parking lot outside Nippers Beach Grille in Jacksonville Beach, Florida last June 26.

Iron Order prospect Kristopher Stone escaped justice mostly because his motorcycle club and local officials, including State Attorney Angela Corey, Jacksonville Beach Police Chief Patrick K. Dooley and Assistant State Attorney Brian Brady conspired to give Stone a pass. Technically, that’s obstruction of justice. And it can be construed as the subtle crime of racketeering – which is the crime of being a criminal. Other key conspirators in this racketeering act included:


Ray “Izod” Lubesky, a founder of the Iron Order who was previously a fast food executive with Cinnabon, Ponderosa Steakhouses and Papa John’s Pizza and who now runs a painting company franchise in Palm Harbor, Florida. Lubesky was the International President of the Iron Order at the time of the shooting. He described the homicide to club members as a public relations crisis. He wrote that Tipton’s death “is about crisis management at a time we are protecting our club, our prospect, and our brothers. This is our area of expertise. This is our responsibility. Your responsibility is to follow the sheet music, march to the drum and keep your mouths shut, both internally and externally. Only say what you are told to say.”

Former Iron Order Sergeant at Arms and current Vice President, Army Lieutenant Colonel Michael “Cgar” Crouse encouraged Iron order members to murder members of other clubs when he wrote, “I know our club has the advantage. One percenters won’t call the cops. So what the fuck, destroy any fucker that confronts you. It’s a free ticket….”

John C. “Shark” Whitfield who serves as “Director of the Division of Legal Affairs” for the Iron Order as well as Nortonville, Kentucky City Attorney. After Tipton’s murder Whitfield bragged to club members that he had “been in contact with law enforcement” in Jacksonville and had “offered” his “services” to them. Whitfield characterized the murder as a “clear Stand Your Ground” case. “We went to scene and chronicled the information we needed there, spoke to law enforcement there to gain a better perspective and have taken other steps that I will not outline in this thread. Although much has been done, there is still a lot to do. We are prepared to do it with vigilance.” At a time when Tipton’s family was denied access to investigators or information about the case, Whitfield interviewed those investigators to find out where the case was going then used that knowledge to help the persons who were involved in the shooting construct their alibis.

Whitfield was assisted in the criminal conspiracy by Marine Major Darrell “Tracker” Robinson, who putatively is assigned to the Marine Corps Logistics Command but whose work in defense of the nation is so trivial that he can take time off whenever he wants to contribute to the cover up of crimes committed by members of his motorcycle club.

The Iron Order has been able to achieve their cozy relationship with law enforcement agencies and law enforcement officials by branding itself as a “law abiding motorcycle club” that shares a common enemy with federal, state and local police across the country: So called “outlaw” motorcycle clubs. When an Iron Order patch holder and former Army medic named Andre Oleas, who was present at Tipton’s murder but did absolutely nothing to save him, was interviewed by police last June 26, among his first words were “We are a law abiding motorcycle club.” Shortly after that Oleas told detectives, “We have guys who do just what you do.” Then he told a black detective that the Black Pistons were “racist.” The next week, Oleas posted a photograph of a shirt with the slogan “Be Aggressive And Shoot ‘Em In The Face” as his Facebook photo.

Purpose Of The Current Conspiracy

Last Saturday night, Iron Order members got into a gunfight with, apparently, members of the Bandidos and Pistoleros Motorcycle Clubs outside a bar called the Echo lounge in Meridian, Mississippi. Meridian police have stonewalled reporters all week and, consequently, the incident has been virtually ignored by the press.

Police have acknowledged that there were four casualties. Three people were shot and one was struck in the head by a collapsible baton. Monday, Meridian Police Chief Benny Dubose told ABC television affiliate WTOK that “all three of the victims in a weekend shooting should make full recoveries.” However, just as was the case in the aftermath of the Tipton murder, most of the real action is happening in the dark where the public is forbidden to look

Earlier this week, Iron Order Sergeant at Arms Eric “Ogur” White instructed club members to obstruct the investigation into the fight in Meridian.

Conspiracy To Obstruct Justice

“Brothers,” White wrote, “I’m sure most of you are aware of the incident in Mississippi with the Bandidos and Pistoleros. The member of the other club did not make it. He passed away this morning. It is important to stay vigilant at this time. Keep your firearm on you at all times. I sleep with mine under my pillow. It is very important that you remain quiet about this. We are facing legalities and Shark is handling those so don’t go on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media site saying anything about the issue. If you are contacted by law enforcement, refer them to Shark and do not answer any questions. Play dumb. We are treating this as just another incident. Things have simmered down so don’t go give them any ammunition by running your mouth outside the club. Anyone caught divulging club info will not like the outcome. We will get through this just like before! IOFFIO!

“Live by your Oath and abide by our bylaws and your life wearing Jughead will be long and prosperous.”

But there are two Iron Order patch holders in Meridian who have legal and ethical obligations to do more than “play dumb.”


Joseph Elliott “Captain America” Hamilton is an attorney in Meridian and an officer of the court. Until a year ago he worked for the Hamilton Law Firm, the most prestigious law practice in Meridian. The practice isn’t shy about advertising that two of its members, Joe Clay Hamilton and  R. Kevin Hamilton “were each  named as Trial Lawyer of the Year for 2010-2011 by the Mississippi Association of Justice.”

And Meridian police officer Donald “Motor Cop” Jenkins, who has been locally lauded for his prolific traffic citations, may also be obliged to do more than “play dumb.”

It might be time for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to take a long, hard look at Kristopher Stone, Angela Corey, Chief Patrick K. Dooley, Brian Brady, Ray Lubesky, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Crouse, John C. Whitfield, Major Darrell Robinson, Andre Oleas, current Iron Order President Patrick “Brit” Ward, Eric White, Chief Benny Dubose, Joseph Elliott Hamilton and Officer Donald Jenkins.