Tuesday, March 17, 2015

ACTION NEEDED NOW. Ethanol E15 Fuel Threat To Motorcycles

Last year, the American Motorcyclist Association succeeded - with your help - to insert language in the Farm Bill inhibiting distribution of E15 fuels into the marketplace. The language prohibited the use of Rural Energy for America Program grant money to buy and install special ethanol blender pumps for use at the retail level.
This effort was effective, but limited in its impact. Despite congressional intent to stop blender pumps from being subsidized, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says he will use other programs to subsidize the blender pumps.

Now, U.S. Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Peter Welch (D-Vt.) are circulating a letter to send to the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA, and Related Programs of the House Appropriations Committee.

The letter calls for broader language (than what we inserted in the Farm Bill) to prohibit funds to construct, fund, install, or operate or to pay the salaries and expenses of personnel of the Department of Agriculture to make grants for, the instillation of ethanol blender pumps.

The AMA is urging everyone who wants to protect their ride from unsafe fuels to contact their representatives and urge them to sign the Goodlatte/Welch letter.

The deadline to collect signatures is Friday, March 20.

You can email your representative immediately by entering your information into the form below and clicking the red "Submit" button. A prewritten message is available.

Now more than ever, it is crucial that you and your riding friends become members of the AMA to help us protect our riding freedoms. More members mean more clout against the opponents of motorcycling, and your support will help the AMA fight for your rights – on the road, trail, racetrack, and in the halls of government.