Sunday, February 15, 2015

USA - Obama's government takeover of the Internet will be finalized on February 26th. We can't afford to wait--sign the petition NOW to tell the FCC we don't want government-controlled Internet!

News Editor

Federal Communications Commission : Fight Government Takeover of the Internet

 We are a group focused on defending a free and open Internet, and preserving it as a tool for democratic distribution of information, societal change, and technological innovation.

The greatest threat to Internet Freedom is government control. Our mission is to keep that from happening.

To Federal Communications Commission:
Dear Chairman Wheeler,

Internet use and online communication is the scourge of autocratic governments that deny basic freedoms to their people. Internet information has proven to be a spark that creates the fire of freedom in the most oppressive corners of the world.

The Internet is one of the most positive forces for improving the human condition the world has ever known. It is the hub of innovation for the economy in America and the world. It's a source of progress, democratic distribution of information, societal change, personal empowerment and technological innovation.

The attempt by the Obama Administration to control the Internet as a public utility takes power away from consumers, website developers and small business owners and puts it in the hands of Government. This will drive up costs, slow down innovation, and put unelected political appointees in charge of picking winners and losers.

And it will take away America's moral authority to argue that autocratic regimes no right to assert control of the Internet in their own countries.

Mr. Wheeler, I am signing my name here today, asking that you and your colleagues vote NO on bringing the Internet under Federal Government control.
[Your Name]