Saturday, January 17, 2015

Mandatory Helmet Law Fight in California,




It has been 19 years since the federal Judge agreed with motorcyclists that law enforcement officers had been writing helmet tickets without probable cause. But some police officers across the state of California didn’t stop writing tickets in violation of the injunction and federal case law, violating riders’ rights. Most riders honestly believe the federal government has approved the sale of certain helmets based on what they look like (though it doesn’t), and they think a DOT sticker is issued by the Department of Transportation (but it isn’t). In other words, many believe you must wear a “DOT approved” helmet. As a matter of fact The DOT does not issue the certification stickers, and the DOT does not stamp approval on any helmets, or even any other product. It’s hard to un-learn something you have believed so long…. Tickets can be based on recall notices or test results but not, like it’s often the case, because of the absence of a DOT sticker…
Freedom Fighter and Sturgis Hall Of Famer John Rogue asks you to support the volunteers-based BOLT (Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance) for taking care of all legal matters to defend your rights. “I am requesting that all who read this go to the BOLT Of California Website and read what is going on with the Mandatory Helmet Law Fight in California, and this whether or not you wear a helmet. Freedom Of Choice is a serious issue and singling out motorcyclists is very wrong. I realize that times are hard for many of you and that you do not have a lot of money, but I am asking you to log onto Paypal to donate to the Paypal account for those who fight for your Rights. It is important to send whatever you can and to also share this with your friends through whatever means you can, asking them to do the same.”