Saturday, January 31, 2015

AUSTRALIA - Almost all motorcycle police have added helmet-mounted cameras to their arsenal

Sergeant Robert Rea with the camera attachment on the side of his helmet.
Sergeant Robert Rea with the camera attachment on the side of his helmet.
POLICE are rolling solo with a “back-up” that can’t be beaten.
Almost all of the 80-plus motorcycle police have added helmet-mounted cameras to their arsenal as they ride Queensland’s roads, the majority of the time on their own.
“It’s like another set of eyes,” Acting Sergeant Robert Rea, told The Sunday Mail.
“It’s like having another person there to capture everything.”
Officers can “tag” incidents on cameras which automatically record the three minutes before an incident.
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“They are only a backup,” Sgt Rea said. “There is no wishy-washy evidence – this is exactly what it is.”
Sgt Rea said the camera technology, which many general police now wear on their uniforms, was used in disputes over red lights, stop signs, seatbelts and mobile phones.
He said, in his personal experience, the camera footage had dramatically decreased complaints and court action.
“It stops complaints against police, false allegations, but also is a good evidence-gathering tool,” Sgt Rea said.

Police are also using new motorcycles with computers to do instant police database searches, rather than waiting in queue over a radio.

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