Saturday, December 20, 2014

The following survey provides an opportunity for motorcycle riders to weigh in on the issue of profiling and discrimination of riders with the ACLU.


The following survey provides an opportunity for motorcycle riders to weigh in on the issue of profiling and discrimination of riders with the ACLU. The ACLU has been a difficult organization to talk to regarding biker related issues even though the problems are real and represent basic constitutional rights violations. Historically, profiling has always been connected to race specially. This needs to change.
Regardless of how you may feel about the ACLU in general, they are a powerful organization with a lot of weight and the Motorcycle Rider Unification Movement can use allies like them to help in both legislation, like the anti-profiling bill as well as judicial endeavors.
The survey is short, just 4 questions. "Motorcycle rider profiling" should be used for question 1 and you can say what you want about the issue in question 4.
Please consider taking the couple of minutes to help get the ACLU's attention on biker rights. Biker rights are civil rights too. Thank you.…