Sunday, November 9, 2014

FLORIDA - Tipton Case Day 134

Angela Corey, State Attorney for Florida’s Fourth Judicial Circuit, may announce a conclusion to her investigation of the homicide of Black Piston Zachariah “Nas T” Tipton as early as today. The actual investigation appears to have been completed about three weeks ago and the announcement of its conclusion was delayed until after last Tuesday’s elections.
Tipton was shot and killed during a confrontation with members of the Iron Order Motorcycle Club outside Nippers Beach Grille in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Based on the registration of a motorcycle impounded that night, numerous sources have identified Tipton’s killer as Kristopher Stone, an Iron Order prospect and a soldier stationed at Camp Blanding, Florida. At the time of the homicide, Stone lived in Middleburg, Florida.
The killer admitted shooting Tipton and was questioned by Jacksonville Beach police and released. The Aging Rebel has been told by cogent and stubborn sources that Tipton was shot after punching his killer in the nose and knocking him down. At least five gunshots were fired during the altercation. There are conflicting accounts of how many times Tipton was shot and where. Officially Tipton died of a gunshot wound to the right temple. Sources close to the dead man have denied that Tipton fired any shots. Spokesmen for the Iron Order have implied that he did.

Clouds Of Confusion

There is video footage of the parking spaces that flank Hopson Road where Tipton was shot. Tipton’s killer was carrying a concealed firearm that night. He was inside the restaurant that night. Sources have stated no blood was drawn from the shooter so it is now impossible to determine if he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol when the shooting occurred. The Aging Rebel has not been able to determine whether the confessed shooters hands were bagged and tested for gunpowder residue before he was released.
Stone disappeared the night of the shooting.
International officers of the Iron Order Motorcycle Club including Ray “Izod” Lubesky, Lieutenant Colonel Michael “Cgar” Couse and John C. “Shark” Whitfield have attempted to confuse and control the course of the investigation from the night of the shooting.
The day after the shooting, for example, the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office in Shalimar, Florida issued a bulletin that began “A ‘kill on sight’ order was issued by Outlaws (and) Black Pistons for members of Iron Order Motorcycle Club.”

An informed source alleged yesterday that, “The Iron Order used channels and contacts within the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and within the military to issue military documents that allege a ‘shoot on sight” order by Outlaws and Black Pistons leadership which, I can personally and with certainty advise you now, was never issued by the leadership of either club. It was just spin from the Iron Order.”