Thursday, November 13, 2014

CA - ESPINOZA`S 2nd Annual Customer Appreciation Event

Another blessed year of priceless moments with family and friends topped off at our 2nd Annual Customer Appreciation Event.  The highly anticipated celebration attracted a lot of hype because of the massive turnout from the 1st Annual Customer Appreciation Event. The venue where this grand festivity has been held, Original Mikes in Santa Ana, was packed from wall to wall with familiar faces from many different places all coming together to have a great time with our family, the Espinoza’s. Inevitably everyone would be looking to the event this year to top last years event, and believe me, it did not disappoint.
The boss bringing beers to all of his friends with a little photo-bomb from cousin Adam.
The main man who is the spark which made all of this possible to begin with got to enjoy himself all day having beers and sharing laughs with his family and friends around him. Looking at his big grin I would say to him in his own words, “You’ve never had it so good my friend.” Nothing but good vibes, great music, and even better food established the euphoric atmosphere for that day, and the boss wouldn’t have had it any other way.
The Espinoza’s all present front and center.
All in all, the 2nd Annual Customer Appreciation Event was a huge hit. Everyone enjoyed themselves and partied with us all day. This event has definitely become a highly regarded celebration that will bring our family and all of our customers and supporters great joy and some wonderful memories in the coming future. We hope all continue to come so we can continue these incredible yearly parties for the ones we love and respect.