Sunday, November 2, 2014

AUSTRALIA - Motorcycle changes: Lane filtering rules adjusted


A trial in New South Wales found lane filtering could help ease traffic congestion
A trial in New South Wales found lane filtering could help ease traffic congestion
Come early next year you will be able to filter through lanes without the fear of flashing police lights.
Following consultation with riders, motorists and road safety groups, the government has decided to make changes to the laws which surround motorcycle riding in Queensland.
From about February next year, or as soon as the Governor-in-Council signs off on the changes, motorcyclists will be able to move around stationary or slow moving vehicles, as long as they are travelling less than 30 kilometres an hour.
The act of lane filtering, which is different to lane splitting, is not illegal itself, but the current rules around it which include: a motorcyclist moving out of a marked lane; crossing a white edge line; overtaking from the left; not indicating and not leaving a safe distance, often meant bikers broke a rule while performing it.

A trial in New South Wales found lane filtering could help ease traffic congestion and Transport Minister Scott Emerson agreed it should be rolled out in Queensland.
But it will only be allowed for experienced riders and won't be allowed in school zones during school hours.
Motorcyclists will also be able to legally stretch their leg off the bike to help avoid fatigue, take both feet off the footsteps to reverse into a parking space and turn their head to do a shoulder check.
The changes will also loosen restrictions around helmets.
Currently only helmets which comply with Australian standards can be worn in Queensland but those which pass United States, European and Japanese safety standards can not.
For many riders it was an issue of size - Australian approved helmets didn't cater for those with larger heads.
Mr Emerson said the discussion paper his department released received 9000 responses and the changes made sense.
"Most motorcycle riders strongly supported the proposed changes, with more than 90 per cent of respondents supportive of lane filtering," he said.
Steve Spalding of the RACQ was also supportive - as long as it was done "in a safe and courteous manner and at slow speed".
"It's very much a case of sharing the road and riding in a responsible manner," he said.
"There are some situations, such as when large vehicles are queuing, where it is safer for the motorcyclist to wait rather than try and squeeze between them and put their safety at risk.
"Just as it is important that motorcyclists filter at a safe speed, motorists can help improve the safety of the rider by carefully checking their mirrors and indicating before changing lanes as the traffic starts to queue."
Mr Spalding also said the changes needed to be followed with an adequate education program, to raise awareness and understanding "of what the changes are and how they will affect both motorists and motorcyclists".

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