Thursday, October 23, 2014

Milpitas, CA - Cop Chases Down Bikers, Biker Tells Cop to to Leave, Cop Leaves

Milpitas, CA — Helmet cam footage of a “stunt biker” was posted to YouTube Tuesday which shows a biker tell a CHP officer to “shoo away.” After a brief exchange of words, “you’re not wanted, ”and a few hand gestures, the CHP officer actually leaves.
This video was taken on I-680 in Milpitas according to the California Highway Patrol.
The officer was trying to pull over the lead biker for “pulling a wheelie.”
According to Ross Lee of the CHP, “the officer had been behind these bikes, and trying to make a stop. The riders, as he would get behind one, would move back into a pack and so he was unable to get one of the riders he was attempting to pull over to the shoulder.”

“He made a determination and a judgment call based on his own safety as well as the safety of the general public on the road at the time,” Lee said.
So far, no one has been arrested and the CHP said they are reviewing the footage looking for clues to find out who these bikers are.