Sunday, August 31, 2014

California Biker Profile. Male, Old, Married And Moneyed. Only Half Of Those With A Motorcycle License Ride…

New statistics prepared by the Motorcycle Industry Council show the median age of California motorcycle owners was 45 years old in 2012 – having risen from 33 years in 1990, 38 years in 1998 and 41 years in 2009. Median income for California motorcyclists was $64,130 in 2012, more than double what it was in 1990. More than 60% reported their annual household incomes at over $50,000, with almost 20% reporting incomes of over $100,000. Almost three quarters of them were employed. About 14% were retired. 1.7 million Californians currently hold licenses to operate motorcycles. But there are only 847,937 motorycles currently registered in the state. That means more than half the people licensed to ride motorcycles in California may not be riding at all. Depressing? Or an opportunity for motorcycle manufacturers? - See more at: