Friday, July 4, 2014

Storm Brewing In Florida

Storm Brewing In Florida

There are a couple of storms brewing in Florida. One is called Arthur and it threatens to rain out Independence Day for most of the East Coast. The other is the unholy alliance between an ersatz motorcycle club called the Iron Order and civilian and military police in northern Florida.
The Iron Order storm began last Thursday night when an unnamed Iron Order prospect killed a  Black Piston patch holder named Zachariah “Nas T” Tipton outside Nippers Beach Grille in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Jacksonville Beach police have been lying about what happened ever since. Police in Northern Florida have “investigated” the shooting by meeting with Iron Order club officers who are current or former police officers. The Jacksonville press has mostly magnified the police lies.
For example, Jacksonville television station WJXT, which has reported on Tipton’s murder almost daily, has yet to tell its viewers that the murder resulted from a dispute between a traditional motorcycle club and a de facto cop club over which club can claim preeminence in Jacksonville. It is likely that the WJXT television journalists are completely ignorant of the phenomenon of outlaw motorcycle clubs run by policemen so they are blind to what that implies. The Iron Order, founded by a former federal policeman, includes not just policemen in its ranks but federal policemen whose day job is to entrap and overcharge members of motorcycle clubs. The Iron Order has gone out of its way to provoke confrontations with other motorcycle clubs nationwide for the last five years. The Iron Order currently looks like the tip of the spear in a dirty war between crooked cops and righteous outlaws.
According to multiple informed sources, the shooter in last week’s homicide was a former cop. It is reasonable at this point to at least wonder out loud if some federal bureaucrat just green lighted motorcycle outlaws.

Tha Newz
Yesterday WJXT asked “Was Nippers shooting justifiable force” and speculated that the “State Attorney’s Office” might yet be “determining whether to file charges.”
The television station quoted a local attorney named Gene Nichols who provided a plausible sound bite. “If the State Attorney’s Office believes the shooter acted in justifiable form, he won’t be taken into custody,” Nichols said. “If he wasn’t arrested that night, then they’re probably not going to be arrested until a warrant is issued by a judge.”
WJXT repeated an amazing police lie that the details of the homicide can’t be known with certainty until local cops complete “interviewing more than 200 witnesses.”
“What they don’t want to do is have different entities interviewing other witnesses,” Nichols said. “We saw this in the (George) Zimmerman case where four or five come in, and after time there are changes in the stories.”
The local attorney told the television station “it could be weeks or even months until prosecutors make a decision.”

The Facts
The exact number of combatants remains unclear. The night of the murder police said the shooting followed a fight involving either five or six men. Informed sources have told The Aging Rebel that the fight was between three Black Pistons and two members of the Iron Order. Sources have also said the Iron Order members were in Nippers for an hour before the Black Pistons arrived and that they had anticipated the Black Pistons arrival.
The fight was an episode in an ongoing dispute between the Jacksonville chapters of the Black Pistons and the Iron Order over whether the Iron Order could simply appropriate the Black Pistons – and American Outlaws Association – distinctive colors without so much as a “please.” In the motorcycle club world, men fight and die for their colors and symbols. The Iron Order knows that and has gone out of its way to intentionally insult both the A.O.A. and the Mongols Motorcycle Club. So the “five or six men” fought last Thursday night in the parking lot outside Nippers.
Tipton bloodied the shooter’s nose. The shooter retaliated by pulling a pistol and firing four shots. At least two of the shots struck Tipton in the face. Tipton was also shot, execution style, in the temple. A bartender at Nippers who is also a combat medic tried to save his life but the head shot was too grievous to survive and Tipton was pronounced dead at the scene. His funeral is today.

Police Talk
While WJXT and the Florida Times-Union had all but given up trying to explain Tipton’s mysterious and apparently motiveless murder, Northern Florida police were busy speculating about a possible biker war. A law enforcement safety bulletin was circulating among police departments in the state last Friday. It began:
“A ‘kill on sight’ order was issued by Outlaws/Black Pistons for members of IOMC. Be aware as MC traffic may increase due to upcoming funeral. The Iron Order M/C officers I met with wanted to get the message out that they ARE NOT a 1% motorcycle club, nor do they aspire to become one or to be known as one. Normally, at least in my experience and interaction with the club, they are LEO friendly and most wear a Maltese Cross as an indicator they are armed. Of the club officers I met with this evening, all are former LEOs with the exception of one – and he is an Active Duty First Sergeant affiliated with Security Forces. So. the information I received today came from a VERY RELIABLE source.
“So far, what they have on the shooting in Jacksonville is as follows: Sometime on the evening of 6/26/2014, two IOMC prospects were accosted by numerous members of the Black Pistons M/C at a gathering in Jacksonville. A member of the Black Pistons was shot and killed. The IOMC shooter has been released without being charged, as the shooting has been ruled ‘self defense’.”
The bulletin continued: “In order to reduce the probability for problems, the local chapters of IOMC will not be wearing any colors or identifiers for a while. The date of the funeral for the Black Piston who was killed is unknown, but assumedly it will be early next week. A large contingent of Black Pistons/Outlaws (estimated to be 200+) were seen traveling from Savannah southbound towards Northeast Florida this afternoon (6/27/2014).
“Your safety is paramount and I want you to be armed with this information so that you can conduct yourself accordingly and respond appropriately should there be any issues…. This is a volatile situation and if you happen to respond to a call involving these groups, understand this could ‘GO SOUTH’ in a hurry, so be prepared, and ideally, don’t go alone.”