Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Oregon to Celebrate Independence Day… With ‘No Refusal’ Blood Checkpoints

Police rename Fourth of July weekend “No Refusal Weekend”
Steve Watson
June 27, 2014

During Independence Day weekend, a time to celebrate US freedom and unalienable rights, Americans in Oregon will be subjected to a “blitz” of ‘no-refusal’ blood-draw checkpoints, as part of a disturbing trend that now extends nationwide.
Local news station KVAL reports that State police are re-naming Fourth of July weekend “No Refusal Weekend”, as part of a crack down on drunk driving.
Any driver who is stopped by police and refuses to take an alcohol breath test will be subjected to a mandatory blood test either at the scene, at a medical facility, or at the nearest jail.
Anyone who merely questions the breath test could also automatically lose their license for a year.
The police say they will liaise closely with prosecutors and judges to immediately obtain “blood draw warrants” in an effort to paint the process up as legal and Constitutional.
“No Refusal enforcement efforts aim to prevent people from avoiding full accountability,” said Officer Ryan Stone. The process is designed to force drivers into relenting to breath tests in order to avoid a potentially harsher penalty if they refuse to cooperate.
The ACLU, previously critical of the practice, lauded the initiative, saying that obtaining warrants for blood test was “the right way to go about it in our view,” and “a good thing.”
However, breathalyzer tests have previously been proven to be inaccurate in a high percentage of cases, with many factors rendering the results “little more than scientific guesswork”. Further research has shown that police officers often influence the results of breathalyzer tests, resulting in inaccurately high readings. Blood tests can also produce false high readings of alcohol levels if they are not conducted quickly and properly.
This information is important, many argue, because it means that mandatory tests could provide police with self-incriminating evidence.
In previous examples of police conducting the practice, horror stories have emerged of Americans being forcibly restrained and having their blood extracted.
The following footage filmed last year in Georgia shows cops strapping down citizens to gurneys, before using a needle to forcibly draw blood as the victim screams, “WHAT COUNTRY IS THIS?”
Even those who show no resistance whatsoever are forcibly restrained and have their heads pressed down by an officer using his elbow.
“We all are American citizens and you guys have me strapped to a table like I’m in Guantanamo f***ing Bay,” complains another victim of the blood draw.
Attorneys have argued that the forced blood draws are an unreasonable search, and constitute a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
Georgia and Orgeon are two out of numerous states that enforce the federally sponsored ‘no refusal’ checkpoints. In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that it is not unconstitutional to hold down Americans and forcefully withdraw blood. A January 2013 ruling affirmed that a warrant must be obtained for the process, although police could dispense with the warrant requirement in an “emergency”.
In some states, decades old implied consent law, which allowed drivers to say no to blood or urine tests, has been overturned to allow the process to take place.
The practice of cops drawing blood at the side of the road has been in place in some areas since 1995 but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has indicated that the program is ultimately intended to be introduced nationwide.
As Alex Jones exposed over fifteen years ago, the eventual plan, under a 1993 executive order signed by Bill Clinton, is to institute mandatory blood and urine testing at the DMV.
