Thursday, July 3, 2014

ILLINOIS - Truck Driver Turns the Table on State Trooper


When truck driver Brian Miner was pulled over by an Illinois state trooper for honking his horn unnecessarily, it was the trooper who got an earful.
Miner, with his camera recording, brazenly turned the tables on what he believed was a police trooper driving recklessly, with video of the encounter viewed more than 2.5 million times since it was uploaded on YouTube last week.
Miner says the trooper was speeding and holding his phone while driving on a wet highway. So when the trooper approached, threatening to give him a ticket, Miner started asking questions.
The trooper never said he was speeding, and said he doesn’t remember having his phone in his hand. But he did tell Miner that the law is on his side, as seen in the video.
“Police officers can actually use technology when they’re driving,” the trooper said.
“Oh, so you guys are above the law?” Miner asked.
“We’re exempt,” the trooper said.
Illinois law does allow officers to use technology while driving and also drive above the speed limit while on official business.
But Miner remained persistent. More than two minutes into the conversation, the trooper walked away from the truck, and when he returned, he thanked Miner for his concern.
“I understand you using the horn,” the trooper said, “You saw me speeding. I honestly wasn’t paying attention to my speed.”
The trooper declined to give Miner a ticket.
Miner says he’s not surprised that the trooper changing his tune. “And that’s what happens when they know you’re recording,” Miner said.