Tuesday, June 3, 2014

USA - ‘Road Guardians’: Helping After a Motorcycle Crash

CORAL, Mich. (June 1, 2014) — According to the Michigan Motorcycle Action Team, in 2012 there were more than 3,500 motorcycle crashes in Michigan, 129 of them fatal.
Eric Liddy Sr. is one several people working to keep motorcyclists safe, educating people on what to do if an accident happens near you, a scenario where every second counts.
Liddy has more than 25 years of experience as an EMT. He has since taken what he knows and his love for riding to try and help others.
“I’ve seen hundreds of motorcycle accidents; I’ve been in three myself and it’s never a pretty sight. A lot of fatalities and injuries and the main thing, trying to save a life through prevention.”
He’s a lead instructor with Accident Scene Management Incorporated, a part of the Motorcycle Bystander Assistance Program. Their goal is to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists through education. He teaches classes to motorcyclists, EMTs and even the general public about how to help following an accident.
ASMI has created the Road Guardian Program and according to their website nearly 20,000 students have been trained by 140+ certified instructors since 1996.
“It’s really important that you let the 911 dispatcher know exactly where you’re at and what kind of injuries you’re seeing. These various things that I teach help people that have absolutely no medical experience become bystanders that are actually able to help to an extent before EMS and the proper authorities arrive on scene,” he said.
Liddy says it’s important for riders and drivers to stay aware and share the road, for drivers to pay better attention to motorcyclists on the road and for riders to take the time to go through a road safety course.
According to the Michigan Motorcycle Action Team, lack of proper licensing and training are areas of major concern. In 2012, they say 20% of registered motorcycle owners were unendorsed.
“The big thing is everyone is sharing the road together, paying attention that’s motorcyclists and non to pay attention to each other on the roads.”
For more information about ‘Road Guardians’: http://roadguardians.org/asmi-what-it-is/

For more information about ‘Michigan Motorcycle Action Plan’: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/msp/MC_Safety_Action_Plan_10-31-2013_JH_439506_7.pdf