Monday, June 16, 2014

SAN DIEGO, CA - DHS Goons Occupy VA Hospital Under “Presence Deterrence” – Police State Intimidation of Vets

016 deterence presence 610

by: Rick Wells

** Nothing To See Here, Go Back To Sleep America! **
The DHS is NOT (Federal) Police!
- Nor do they abide by this Country's Constitution! Yet, nobody's noticing... 

Veterans seeking treatment at the VA Hospital in San Deigo, CA this past Wednesday were greeted by an ominous assembly of black uniformed paramilitary police bearing identification patches of DHS and Police, with no name tags or badges. Citing “presence deterrence” as the reason for the action, little more in the way of an explanation was offered.
Reports from witnesses state that approximately 20 Federal Protection Services officers, in black SWAT-style uniforms and full gear as well as four bomb-sniffing dogs massed at the entrance to VA Mission Valley Health Care Clinic. FPS is an enforcement group within DHS charged with the protection of government properties.
The VA Mission Valley Health Care Clinic provides services in the areas of general practice, a psychiatric clinic, a PTSD treatment clinic, and a disability compensation evaluation clinic.
A stream of criticisms from veterans led to a formal complaint being filed with the VA OIG by the advocacy group, Honoring Our Troops (HRT). The complaint states that veterans who were unfortunate enough to find themselves at the facility during this “presence deterrence” were harassed and threatened for taking pictures and asking questions. One veteran reportedly was threatened with a $10,000 fine if he did not delete a photo. One doctor reportedly described the action to a patient’s wife ambiguously as a “familiarization exercise.”
Since the OIG complaint, HRT reports being on the receiving end of numerous anonymous phone threats of physical harm as well as threats of stalking and investigations.
VA Regional Office spokesman, Alejandro Mendio la Flores verified the FPS action as being part of “Operation Shield” for “presence deterrence.” They claim the number of participants in the exercise was 8 rather than the witness assertions of over twice that many, and that the FPS was conducting training.
In addition to the FPS goons, the VA has a “patient security flag” procedure in place in which accusations or warnings about a particular patient are routinely made behind closed doors, without the patient’s knowledge and without an opportunity to face their accusers or refute the accusations. This is the same apparatus which will likely be utilized to a great extent in the determination that many veterans are unfit for the free exercise of their second amendment rights upon the completion of the installation of the police state apparatus and pretexts.
The regime has already improperly labeled returning veterans as domestic terrorists or having many of the characteristics that have been labeled as those of domestic terrorists, such as patriotism and a belief that an authoritarian central government is un-American.
Is “presence deterrence” designed as a component of the indoctrination process, to reeducate veterans to the “new reality,” that the rules are different, that the former great enemy of socialism is now the path of America’s future. It was chosen for them without being asked by a government intent on controlling, through whatever means necessary, every aspect of the daily lives of their “inmate population.”
The message being, accept these conditions or be treated like the domestic terrorist they’ve been labeled as. Training people to accept police state tyranny is a component of the tyranny itself.
It definitely appears that veterans are on a type of target list. That list will surely expand in scope as the integration of the police state into our daily lives continues and intensifies.

Rick Wells is a conservative author who believes an adherence the U.S. Constitution would solve many of today’s problems. “Like” him on Facebook and “Follow” him on Twitter.