Friday, May 23, 2014

USA - Help Needed to Stop Federal Helmet Legislation

Please read the MRF notice below.  ABATE is asking for your help.  Whether you believe everyone should wear a helmet or not, it is NOT the federal governments place to enact helmet laws…it’s a states’ issue at best.  A helmet bill is buried in the 350-page document known as President Obama’s GROW AMERICA ACT.  Please take the time to write or email the President, each Senator, and your Congressperson.  Let them know that you are not pleased with the helmet provision in this proposed legislation.   Here’s links to help:
·         President Obama                        
·         Senator Barbara Boxer                   Click on “Contact” upper right corner” and “email” in left column.
·         Senator Feinstein                            Same
·         Congresswoman Susan Davis  District 53  - Click on “Contact” on bar
·         Congressman Scott Peters              District 52 – Same…click contact
·         Congressman Juan Vargas             District 51 – Same …click contact
·         Congressman Duncan Hunter          District 50 – Same …click contact
·         Congressman Darrell Isa                 District 49 – Same…click contact            
Please remember to be polite and to the point.  This is only FOUR emails.  I suggest you write one email, copy it, personalize it if necessary and send!
