Sunday, May 25, 2014

USA - Another Crotch Salute - THIS MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL

Another Crotch Salute - THIS MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL:

                        I don't know if you've seen this or not, but this is our president                                                                                     of the United States !!!  
At the Ft. Hood Memorial Service...The Crotch Salute Returns
I am sorry folks, but is this the jerk that was elected President of our country? You know, the United States of America .
I do believe that saluting the flag goes with that, as does respecting and honoring the service members who have died.
Does this pompous ass believe he is above that gesture? If not a salute, how about a hand over the heart like the other guy?           
He can shower us all with flowery words (via teleprompter) and dazzle us with his bull s%$# but actions speak louder.
He has no idea about patriotism or respect. EVERYONE needs to see this Pic!