Monday, May 5, 2014

OUTRAGE: U.S. Marine Being Held in Brutal Mexican Prison – For Making a ‘Wrong Turn’ (Video)

Above: Afghanistan combat veteran Andrew Tahmooressi
by Brian Hayes | Top Right News
So our last report saw Mexican troops invading our borders — even drawing weapons on our agents on U.S. soil — and facing absolutely no consequences by the Obama Adminstration.

But let one American make a wrong turn into Mexico — and there will be hell to pay. 
That’s exactly what happened to a U.S. Marine veteran last month, after he accidentally drove into Mexico with three legally owned guns in his truck. And he has been rotting in a brutal Mexican jail in Tijuana ever since.
California Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter sent a letter Friday to Secretary of State John Kerry asking him to secure the release of Afghanistan war veteran Andrew Tahmooressi, who had just moved to San Diego from Florida and had all his belongings in his truck, including his pistol, shotgun and rifle, when he missed the last U.S. exit on April 1, forcing him to cross the border.
Road closures because of checkpoints and construction added to the confusion, and there was no opportunity for drivers to turn around, Hunter added.

Hunter wrote that Tahmooressi was recently treated at the prison infirmary for a knife wound to his neck, Hunter said.
His mother, Jill Tahmooressi, said her son took one wrong turn in the dark and found himself in Mexico. She visited him April 14, and he told her he has been threatened by other detainees, though he did not explain the neck wound. He told her he had been placed in solitary confinement briefly. He called her Sunday and told her has been chained to a cot.
Jill Tahmooressi said her son moved to San Diego to get treatment for his recently diagnosed post-traumatic stress, after returning from his second tour to Afghanistan in 2012. He finished active duty in 2012 and is now in the Marine Reserve.
Where on Earth is John Kerry? He has said NOTHING about this imprisoned U.S. Marine after a full month in prison — yet Kerry lobbied Texas on behalf of the Mexican government to spare the life of an illegal alien cop killer back in January.

This is the absurd, unequal relationship we have with Mexico — which demands endless respect for its citizens here, but offers none for ours in return.

Demand Release of U.S.M.C. Sgt. Tahmooressi Suffering with PTSD from Mexico Imprisonment | We...
Sgt. Tahmooressi, living in a truck having just arrived San Diego to seek VA assistance with PTSD supported by a Purple Heart veteran Marine; a 2 tour OEF meritoriously promoted Sergeant gets lost at the border and with one wrong turns ends up in the Mexico customs lane with no way to turn back. His…