Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Castle Doctrine is NOT Stand Your Ground!



Don’t get confused. The Castle Doctrine is not Stand Your Ground. The laws are vastly different and if they apply in your state you need to review them and understand what you can and can’t do.
Just to make this perfectly clear, every state’s laws are subtly different from similar laws in other states. This is a general overview. Castle Doctrine applies in your home, if you are already inside. Stand Your Ground applies outdoors and only changes one element of the justification for the use of deadly force. They are vastly different. Watch the video for a more in-depth explanation. And then review the laws in your individual state.
Into the Fray, Episode 11: Castle Doctrine vs. Stand Your Ground

The Castle Doctrine is NOT Stand Your Ground. Make sure you know the difference. Watch this video for a quick overview.

You need to know the difference in order to stay out of jail. If you can avoid a fight, please do. But at the very least, know your state laws.
Learn more about the castle doctrine and the ten mistakes of concealed carry by visiting:

If you want to stay out of jail, you need to know the difference between the Castle Doctrine and the Stand Your Ground laws. The cover very different circumstances, yet they are often confused. This brief overview will help you understand the differences, but be sure to check your state laws for specific information.