Saturday, May 31, 2014

CA - Water & Power City Expansion Survey

CALLING ALL FANS OUTSIDE OF LA!!! The #1 question we get asked is "When are you coming to my city?!" Well, here's your chance to let us know that you want us to come to your city! Please fill out the survey we have linked to this post and as news becomes available, we'll let you know. Get your friends to fill it out too, so SHARE and REPOST because here's your chance to be heard!

Water & Power City Expansion Survey

As we look to expand into new markets for the movie Water & Power, we want to get your feedback as to what cities you would like us to show the movie in. It is important that you answer all the questions below with correct information to ensure that we are able to reach you. Thank you for your support of Water & Power!
1. What city would you like Water & Power to play in theaters next?
2. If we were to arrange for a screening of Water & Power in your city, would you be able to help mobilize AT LEAST 100 people who would purchase tickets and see the movie too?
3. Why do you think that Water & Power would have a successful theatrical run in your city?
4. Are there any good taco spots nearby where we can grub on after the movie?
5. Is your city 4/20 friendly?
6. What is your first name?
7. What is your last name?
8. What is your email address?
9. What is your daytime phone number?
10. Are there any comments or questions?

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