Wednesday, April 23, 2014

United Nations Passes Resolution on Global Road Rules

A few weeks back, the United Nations’ General Assembly passed a resolution titled, “Improving Global Road Safety.” The rationale behind it is pretty simple – to make all roadways safer regardless of if you’re in a cage or cruising on two wheels.
What does this resolution mean for you? Not much right now, but it’s possible that legislation at a state-level could be coming your way in the not too distant future.
The resolution urges all member states to pass legislation banning all forms of distracted driving – cell phone usage, including texting while driving. There’s also wording surrounding mandatory helmet law as well as harmonization of vehicle regulation in the name of safety; however, no specific details regarding either of them are noted.

It’s interesting to see this being tackled at such a high level when state-side we can’t come to an agreement on these issues.