Wednesday, March 26, 2014

USA - Homeland Security Exercise Targets “Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny”

 Homeland Security Exercise Targets “Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny”
Leaked documents reveal plan to counter online dissent during martial law
Paul Joseph Watson
March 24, 2014
Leaked Homeland Security documents obtained by Infowars reveal details of a joint DHS/FEMA national exercise set to take place this week, one of the components of which revolves around an effort to counter online dissent by a group called “Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny,” which is disgruntled at the imposition of martial law after an earthquake in Alaska.
Image: DHS (Wiki Commons).
The document again underscores the federal government’s obsession with characterizing libertarians and conservatives as some kind of extremist radical threat.
The document (PDF) was leaked by an individual affiliated with Stewart Rhodes’ Oathkeepers organization and passed on to Infowars. It is entitled National Exercise Program – Capstone Exercise 2014 – Scenario Ground Truth.
The document is intended for [
Paul Joseph Watson | Leaked documents reveal plan to counter online dissent during martial law.