Sunday, March 9, 2014

USA - Fear Police....

Published On March 7, 2014 | By CopBlock | Articles

BewareMouse shared this post via’s submit page.
The Supreme Court is responsible for the future to come. By endorsing the actions of overbearing police, they will set the scene for even more bloodshed.
The recent activity of the police has been defended by the claims of how dangerous it is to be a police officer and how they never know what they are walking into when performing a traffic stop or responding to a domestic disturbance. This can be pointed up by historic ambushes performed against the police throughout over 200 years of service to the country. It has always been a job laced with danger and unknowns and most police officers have something from personal experience to share on this subject. However, knowing this for years has still created a stray direction that the general public did not have reason to fear the police. The public perception until recent years has always been that the police have been there to help and they will bring reason in a time of chaos.
However, after untold amounts of publicity concerning police overreach and abuse of authority that endangers the lives of the public such as these examples, the perception may be changing.

One shot is not good enouph.

The police claim this is okay, necessary force to bring peace to our community.

The question becomes, at what point is it considered dangerous to allow the public to claim the police are too dangerous to stick around for if pulled over by overbearing and out of control officers? Most recently, another reason to fear the police has made it to the Supreme Court. The claim is, well, they ran from our authority! Of course they did! An officer tried to reach in a driver’s door illegally to extract a person for nothing more the a broken headlight. This lead to a high speed chase where both the driver and passenger were gunned down in a hail of gunfire.
The problem is if the Courts side with the officers, that no stop by police officers can be considered anything but a life threatening detainment, and the police officer, no matter the circumstance or the charge, has full permission by the courts to kill the suspect as to uphold the law.
Visions of NAZI Germany where a woman and a child approach a checkpoint, are harassed, and after being assaulted turn to run, then both the woman and the child are cut down from a fully automatic assault rifle comes to mind. Without restraints placed on the police by the constitution and upheld, it is easy to see how having any contact with the police would have a life threatening result.
The Constitution is a vital piece of maintaining the public safety and the safety of being a police officer. Maintaining the enforcement rather than throwing a thumb over your shoulder in reference to how it should be is key to reducing the threat both to the police officer and the public. Without enforcing the concept, as well as the letter of the law concerning official misconduct, it is only to create danger for both the officers in the field and the public that now fears for their lives and is completely justified to take action to preserve life and get away from the threat that has been imposed.
This has gone so far with alarmist extremist that even the schools are now teaching that freedoms are not allowed regardless of the laws in our country. Wearing an American flag on your shirt may cause a disruption, so therefore it can be restricted by the Schools that should be teaching the value of the first amendment and the tolerance for other’s opinions rather then banning the very education they are supposed to be teaching. Our children are smart and hypocrisy is now what we are teaching them rather then tolerance and a culture that is a combination of many cultures that all should be tolerated as stated in the first amendment.
This has gotten so bad that playtime has been reduced to threat levels involving the use of a finger!
When we teach our children that things are not tolerated in school, that means this is what is being taught in school. Throwing away the lessons of history and making out that being patriotic to the country we live in is a crime above all others and that only designated officials carrying GUNS that will kill you for the smallest infraction is the result. The dream that one day they will be one of those officials that will “nab the bad guy” is no longer a dream that can be allowed.
When we destroy the dreams of righteousness in our children, we destroy any righteousness that will remain in the future to come.
Please tell me why people will run from those carrying a gun and a badge.