Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Obama's hidden agenda: More than just your guns


Obama's hidden agenda:
More than just your guns

The Financial Collapse
is on the horizon...

It's Matt, and I want to personally thank you for watching this important report.
Watch the entire video above as it unveils a sickening story of how YOUR Government is preparing for the greatest collapse of all U.S. history, and what is the first thing YOU must do to make sure you and your family are not left behind.

Facts that a major
U.S. crisis is coming

It's estimated to happen within the next 10 months!
Fact 1 26 ONCE BUSTLING American Cities are now BANKRUPT for the first time in U.S. History
Fact 2 Germany, Switzerland and Denmark are in the process of pulling ALL of their gold OUT of the United States
Fact 3 Warren Buffet, John Paulson and numerous other billionaires are now dumping U.S. stocks as fast as they can sell them
Fact 4 Russia, China and Brazil are moving quickly towards creating a new central bank with one purpose: to REPLACE the U.S. dollar...

The financial collapse
is only the beginning

There'll be no food... no water... no money!
Social chaos will rule over a fallen society
Those caught unprepared will be the first to go

What are your options?

Option 1
Pretend that nothing happens and walk away.... but before you do that, ask yourself a question: If there is the slightest chance for this to happen - do you have the power to look your loved ones in their teary eyes and tell them you are not prepared for this situation?
Option 2
Rely on your Government to help you. Do you want to take your chances with FEMA? They can’t help you... in fact they can’t even help themselves!
Option 3
Take matters into your own hands and be the one that your family relies on. However, are you prepared to protect them through what’s coming ahead. No matter what happens?

The smartest way to protect your family:

the patriot survival Plan

7 Down-n-Dirty Survival Modules revealing life-saving secrets every American must know...
Insider's-Only Patriot Survival Plan to keep your family safe in the coming U.S. disasters...
Military Special Forces Style Tactics to build your personal "mental armor"...
Fearsome-Fighter Food Stockpiling tricks to keep your family well fed...
This Extreme Disaster Survival Playbook will unleash near-classified survival tactics to handle the most extreme situations...