Friday, March 7, 2014

FLORIDA - Proposed motorcycle law in the state


Proposed motorcycle law in the state

Monday, March 3 2014, 07:51 PM CST Rob Brown

"Safety rule number one for motorcycle drivers is to watch out for bigger vehicles. But a proposed law in the state of Florida could make it just as important for drivers to watch out for motorcycles."
The bill covers what Senator Evers calls "vulnerable road users." That includes motorcyclists, pedestrians, road workers, scooter and bicycle riders, farm equipment operators, carriage drivers and those in wheelchairs. If a driver commits a moving violation that results in bodily injury, it would become a second-degree misdemeanor. If it causes death, it would become first-degree, with the potential for license suspension. Steven William's was hit by a motorist while on his motorcycle. He hopes the law might force motorists to pay more attention.
Steven William's "It might make them a little bit more aware, just to pay attention a little bit more. So many people these days are focusing inside the vehicle instead of outside the vehicle. If there was a little bit more risk on stake for them they might pay a little bit more attention to what's going on outside their vehicle."
He says those protected by this law need special rules.
Steven William's "What is normally a swap-paint, ding in the fender 'oh I got insurance' case with two cars leaves somebody lying on the street bleeding. That's the difference."
Most drivers we spoke with seemed to agree with the bill.
Beverly Trawick "I think they should be ticketed if they're doing something like that. They're at fault. And I think they should get extra punishment for that."
Alcy Dannelly "People need to be a little more aware of what's going on around motorcycles and bicycles."
Rob Brown "A similar bill was proposed in 2010, but was killed off for legal reasons. Proponents hope this one will pass. Proposed motorcycle law in the state