Saturday, March 29, 2014

B.A.D. Biker Rights Gets Its BUZZ On With BADAlert!


B.A.D. {Bikers Against Discrimination} and the American Biker Culture Center has conjured up the interest of software developer and data base engineer, David Book,   founder ofBuzzTouch.Com with business partner Stephen Mercurio  – to develop a “motorcycle only check point” app to be available for download by ALL bikers and motorcyclists nationwide – hopefully, by the 2014 spring season.
“I am asked to make apps for people every day and get mass emails every day regarding specifics on apps – But, your email about your rights project really caught my attention”, David Book said during his first conference with Hank McGrath, Director of B.A.D. and the American Biker Culture Center. is an open source “app engine” that powers tens of thousands of iPhone, iPad and Android applications and is used in conjunction with the iOS and Android software developer kits (SDK’s). The site offers a membership and novice “guest” hands on educational forum where just about anyone can learn to create and use an app. Over 200,000 people use the innovative site worldwide! 
The app, rightly named the “BADAlert App”, is a build which will make it easier to record and send electronic evidence of police corruption and warn of potential unjust profiling.on the roads and highways.BADalertApp2
“In this modern world, in order to effectively defend our rights we must apply our use in technology. Between collaborating with CopBlock.Org and Filming Cops.Com as a film & incident dispensary for evidence and data of biker discrimination to a phone app developed which assists the biker in documenting those incidents of unjust profiling, as well as warning other bikers of potential threats – ALL OF THIS is essential in our defense of the biker culture.  We are encouraged by Mr. Book’s enthusiasm and interest in helping us do so”, McGrath said.
A BADAlert App-Developer Committee was formed by B.A.D. through teleconference with Steve Maley, Harold Bryant, Curt Byrnes, Robert Bar Porter, Phillip Heneghan, Lisa Petrocelli, Dave Tumor Combs, Mike Willig, Hank McGrath and biker rights attorney, Ben Rabin. Their suggestions for the app have been documented and will be forwarded to David Book for initial conceptual development in a matter of days.
“Though we have been behind somewhat in electronics compared to other segments of society, the biker culture is advancing quickly in the technology and use of apps… What is imperative with this app is the immediate reference to case law giving the right to film and record police. The motorcyclist would be able to immediately bring these facts of law up on their phone if confronted with aggressive police.” Ben Rabin said. He is a biker rights advocate and attorney at the RabinLawFirm in Syracuse,NY.
“It has to be an app that is quick and easy to use. I get stupid email notices on my phone all day, every day that waste my time and so on. But, this app would provide a meaningful way to warn my brothers and maintain law enforcement accountability”, Curt Byrnes of Rolling Pride MC NY stated.
“It’s only right that we have fair use of the same technology the government uses to try to hurt us – TO DEFEND OURSELVES”, Philip Heneghan stated. He is the host of Bikers of America with Bill Kennedy on the California coast and a biker rights advocate.
“We need an app like this because the means to defend ourselves {bikers} has been taken away. Civil rights groups and agencies ignore our call for help and treat us like we are the villains. We have to protect ourselves!” Robert Bar Porter stated. He is the President of New York State A.B.A.T.E. and theLeathernecks MC Aces & Eights New York.
“That type of app is the only one I would use rather than waste my time with all the others for games and the like. This one would have an important purpose I believe in, said Dave Tumor Combs, VP ofBoozefighters Chap. 80 Timberjacks NY.
More news on the development of the “BADAlert App” will be forthcoming upon its completion. So, be ready to download and activate in defense of your rights in 2014!
To learn more about visit their site, friend them on Facebook and watch the video below.

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