Wednesday, February 26, 2014

USA - ACTIVE Terrorists Compounds Found In United States-NY Included!


            {Pic from LAW ENFORCEMENT TODAY article}
Special WATCH Report by Hank McGrath
The United States Government has been keeping the American citizens in the dark on such issues as terrorists and terrorist camps RIGHT HERE IN NEW YORK STATE and on U.S. soil. I had an opportunity to sneak up on the camp over the weekend and watched with binoculars to verify!
According to news sources at WMD.Com, A radical jihadist group responsible for nearly 50 attacks on American soil is operating 35 terrorist training camps across the nation, but the U.S. government refuses to include the organization on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorists. Read more at
The Heritage Voice obtained copies of an FBI report verifying the existence of said camps which readers may view here provided by the Clarion Project, an independent organization that focuses on Islamic issues in America. Also verifying news stories such as from FreedomOurPost.
This particular group, Jamaat  ul-Fugra , a part of the MOA (Muslims of the Americas), is the same group which killed reporter Daniel Pearl – as seen in actual photos here seconds before he was publicly beheaded and assassinated20reporter2
As you can see on the map above (click to make larger) there are a number of camps located in NY and throughout the United States at exact locations where suspected activity such as murder and bombings have occurred.
Most have arrived in United States illegally via the Mexican Border as was revealed in this important news story:

 According to Wikipedia, Jamaat ul-Fuqra (alternatively Jamaat al-Fuqra) (“Community of the Impoverished”) is a paramilitary organization of mostly African-American Muslims based in Pakistan and the United States. Some of the approximately 3000 members have planned various acts of violence, often directed at rival factions.[1] Two Al-Fuqra members were convicted of conspiring to murder Rashad Khalifa in 1990,[2][3] and others are alleged to have assassinated Ahmadiyya leader Mozaffar Ahmad in 1983.[4][5].
Ironically, while members of the American Biker Culture who are American Citizen’s and friends of U.S. are banned from entering U.S. because they are “listed” as criminal enterprises, groups like  Jamaat ul-Fuqra HAS NOT been listed as a terrorist organization, except by the U.S. State Department who, in a global report, said this group IS a terrorist organization. This is the same department which wrongfully classifies those of the American Biker Culture and friends as unable to enter the U.S. See our recent story on Freedom To Travel Controlled By Nefarious Means.
The Clarion Project obtained MOA footage showing female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg – WHICH IS IN NEW YORK! Read this story from LAW ENFORCEMENT TODAY on an undercover agent who was in the Hancock, NY camp located in the Catskills Mountain Region.
Here is a video news report on the training camp in Hancock,NY which is called Islamburg and is part of the Jamaat ul-Fugra terrorist group – IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD! Keep in mind, a Muslim IS ALLOWED TO LIE AND MISLEAD ANYONE EXCEPT A MUSLIM!  Also keep in mind, they have already killed Daniel Pearl and others and have been particularly involved in bombings throughout the world!

 The most amazing thing is that the U.S. Government  watches these groups, infiltrates these groups, knows these groups are involved in homegrown terrorist activity – yet, do not restrict them or activate against them…rather, they act against the United States citizen and attempt to disarm the United States citizen for the foreign terrorists!
Based upon the information within this article and its valid sources the U.S. citizen should not be disarmed and should not be having any portion of the second amendment restricted under the guise of “protecting the children and the innocent” (when,in fact, it is a lame attempt to gradually restrict these foreign terrorist influenced groups while not violating THEIR RIGHTS?!?)! As well, we need as many friends and biker citizens as possible empowering our numbers here in the United States – READY TO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM! What do you think?