Saturday, February 8, 2014


We need you to take actionand fast.

The House and Senate Budget Committee have reached a deal within the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 (H.J.Res.59) that includes a proposal to cut future cost-of-living
adjustments (COLA) by one percent for military retirees under age 62. 
The VFW calculates that this will have a devastating impact on retirement benefits for retirees and survivors. Plus, it could jeopardize the future value of military career benefits and adversely affect recruitment, retention and our national security.
Call and email your legislators today and urge them to oppose any provision in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 (H.J.Res.59) that tries to balance the budget on the backs of our military retirees. Tell them that current and future service members are watching. And be sure to share with your friends and family.


Military retirees are beng unfairly singled out!
Fix the Military COLA Cut
Budget Bill Cuts Military Retirement COLA
Military retirees are beng unfairly singled out in the Ryan-Murray budget deal (H.J.Res.59).
In order to find $6 billion in savings, the legislation includes a provision that requires a one percent reduction in the cost of living adjustment for military retirees under age 62.
Under the proposal, the contribution rate for the Federal Employees Retirement System for new federal employees hired after January 1, 2014, is increased, but all currentfederal employees are grandfathered and protected from the increase in contributions--meaning that current and future military retirees were not provided with similar protections that current civilian federal employees are receiving under the proposal.
NAUS urges you to contact your Senators and Representative to stand with the brave men and women who have defended our nation.  This can be fixed.  Our nation has an obligation to keep the promise made to thse servicemembers for the service they gave.  Don't change the agreement after their military careers are now done.


Division Vice Commandants and Department Commandants –

Please push this information out to ALL of your Detachments and ask for their support on this all-important matter.


Michael A. Blum
Executive Director
Marine Corps League
P. O. Box 3070
Merrifield, VA 22116-3070
Tel:  703/207/9588
FAX: 703/207/0047

A veteran - whether active duty, retired, National Guard or Reserve - is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount "up to and including my life".  That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand that. ~  Author unknown.

MCL & VFW Legislative Alert: Help Us Continue to Fight to Remove COLA Penalty


Background:  Congress passed a budget deal that includes a provision that penalizes working age military retirees younger than 62 by cutting a full one percent from future cost of living adjustments (COLA).  We calculate that a Gunnery Sergeant or Sergeant First Class (E-7) with 20 years of service would lose more than $80,000 in income by age 62. This also unfairly punishes those who have been medically retired as a result of their wounds defending our nation.  This is totally unacceptable and will have a devastating impact on retirement benefits for retirees and survivors and jeapordizes the future value of military career benefits, while also adversely affecting recruitment, retention and our national security.

The MCL, the VFW and the Military Coalition are now working with members in both the House and Senate to find a bipartisan solution that will replace this unacceptable provision.  We are urging all of our members and advocates to contact thier legislators and demand they find a solution that doesn't balance the budget on the backs of our military retirees.

Action Needed:  Call, email and schedule appointments with your legislators today. Tell them this should be the first priority when they return to Washington after the New Year, and that the solution cannot penalize veterans, military retirees, or jeopardize the future value of military career benefits.  Asking those who have given the most to shoulder the burden of reducing government spending is unacceptable.

To locate your member in thier DC or district office, click here:


Budget Deal Cuts Retiree COLA

The budget deal crafted by Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Patty Murray is being celebrated as a bipartisan agreement that would help avoid another round of government closures and fiscal cliff threats. However, the budget deal also calls for reducing the annual retirement cost of living adjustment (COLA) for working age retirees (those under age 62) by one full percentage point - setting the rate at one percent below the actual Consumer Price Index - the measure of inflation used to determine Social Security and VA program adjustments each year.
 Check out the full article on the Military Advantage Blog.
 View the Proposed 2014 Military Pay Charts


House Bill Stops TRICARE Hikes Week of December 16, 2013
The House passed their version of the 2014 Nation Defense Authorization Act. The bill has a provision to ensure TRICARE premiums and fees do not increase beyond the previously agreed levels. The HASC issued a set of facts explaining their decision. They explained that their decision was based on their belief that "Congress has already put TRICARE on a sustainable path through reforms in several recent NDAAs."


Veterans to Receive 1.5 Percent Cost-of-Living Increase

Veterans, their families and survivors receiving disability compensation and pension benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs will receive a 1.5 percent cost-of-living increase in their monthly payments beginning Jan. 1, 2014. For more details, see this article.


Question for the day):
How many American servicemen were tortured and murdered in the Watergate incident?  What were the consequences?
How many American Servicemen were tortured and murdered in the Benghazi incident? What were the consequences?
Do the math!
Trey Gowdy demands answers on the Benghazi debacle.
Interview with Jay Veith, author of Black April.  This is a great read and it finally fills the void on reporting the collapse of the RVN in 1975.  This book will be translated into the Vietnamese language.
Bill Bell
Hello Family Members and Friends,

The leaves have been raked and sent to wherever old leaves go. This means the Coalition's Fall newsletter is a little late. Or the Winter edition is early.  We'll split the difference and call it the December edition.

Inside, you will find articles, news and insights on:

* Congressional POW/MIA Hearings
* The Cold War
* A UN Commission
* North Korea, South Korea, China, and Russia
* The role of nongovernmental organizations
* The Coalition's Washington DC meetings
* And, of course, a To Do list

There's also a membership/renewal application. Your participation and member donations make the Coalition's work on behalf of the missing men possible.  We accomplish everything by working together. Thank you.

All the best for the Holidays.


Richard Downes, Executive Director
Coalition of Families of Korean & Cold War POW/MIAs
P.O. Box 4194
Portsmouth, NH 03802