Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Santa Monica Police to Enforce Motorcycle Safety

MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 204 | Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) |
14NR04 - MRF News Release - Farm Bill Removes Subsidies for Biofuel Blender Pumps
03 Feb. 2014
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

Farm Bill Removes Subsidies for Biofuel Blender Pumps

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports that the United States House of Representatives has passed a bill that would end a federal subsidy for biofuel blender pumps in rural areas. The measure passed by a vote of 251-166 and costs the U.S. taxpayers $956.4 billion. 
The Senate is expected to vote on the matter next week and there is little that those in support of the subsidies can do to reinstate the money. President Obama is expected to sign the legislation into law. 
Putting an end to these subsides will likely result in less biofuel blender pumps in the market place and therefore less E-15 fuel. 
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation supports the removal of E-15 from the market until thorough, scientific study is conducted on the effects of the higher blend on the entire power train, not just the tail pipe emissions.  



MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 204 | Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) |
14NR05 - MRF News Release - National Transportation Safety Board Releases 2014 “Top Ten Most Wanted” list.
04 Feb. 2014
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

National Transportation Safety Board Releases 2014 “Top Ten Most Wanted” list.
Recently the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released its annual list of top ten most wanted safety improvements reports the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). The most wanted list represents the NTSB's advocacy priorities. It is designed to increase awareness of and support for the most critical changes needed to reduce transportation accidents and save lives. 

This year’s list contains:
  • Address Unique Characteristics of Helicopter Operations
  • Advance Passenger Vessel Safety
  • Eliminate Distraction in Transportation
  • Eliminate Substance-Impaired Driving
  • Enhance Pipeline Safety
  • Improve Fire Safety in Transportation
  • General Aviation: Identify and Communicate Hazardous Weather
  • Implement Positive Train Control Systems
  • Promote Operational Safety in Rail Mass Transit
  • Strengthen Occupant Protection in Transportation
Motorcycles did not make the immediate list, but the NTSB did reference motorcycle helmet law deeper in the text of the explanation of one of the ten bullets. 
Under the “Strengthen Occupant Protection in Transportation” heading, the NTSB recycles some tired old numbers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 
According to the NTSB, motorcyclists are considered “occupants,” which is a serious stretch of the definition of the word and a crafty way to address motorcycle safety. The MRF has always urged the NTSB and all other federal agencies that they should focus on accident prevention rather than safer crashing. 
“Using such a singular approach to motorcycle safety is not the best way to save lives,” said Jeff Hennie, MRF Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs. He continued, “The NTSB has just taken a giant step back from their last attempt to address motorcycle safety in 2011, which included both voluntary helmet use and rider education as equal components.”
The fact is the motorcycle fatalities have dropped almost 20% nationwide since 2008, and at the same time we have seen the relaxing of mandatory helmet laws and a steady increase in motorcycle licensing and registrations. 
The chairman of the NTSB, Debra Hersman, has taken a motorcycle safety class and has not ridden since, to the best of our knowledge. She is the person who originally spearheaded the NTSB’s involvement with motorcycle safety when she planned the two-day motorcycle forum at the NTSB in 2006, in which the MRF participated. It’s likely that she will continue to use her influence with the agency to keep motorcycling on or near the NTSB top ten list.  


MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 204 | Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) |
14NR04 - MRF News Release - Farm Bill Removes Subsidies for Biofuel Blender Pumps
03 Feb. 2014
Contact:Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs

Farm Bill Removes Subsidies for Biofuel Blender Pumps
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation reports that the United States House of Representatives has passed a bill that would end a federal subsidy for biofuel blender pumps in rural areas. The measure passed by a vote of 251-166 and costs the U.S. taxpayers $956.4 billion. 
The Senate is expected to vote on the matter next week and there is little that those in support of the subsidies can do to reinstate the money. President Obama is expected to sign the legislation into law. 
Putting an end to these subsides will likely result in less biofuel blender pumps in the market place and therefore less E-15 fuel. 
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation supports the removal of E-15 from the market until thorough, scientific study is conducted on the effects of the higher blend on the entire power train, not just the tail pipe emissions. 



Campaign revs up on motorcycle safety 
DAVID BAUMAN/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER San Bernardino police officer Dan Acosta, right, performs a traffic stop on a motorcyclist accused of a helmet violation on Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014. 42 0 1 
A Text Size BY BRIAN ROKOS The Press Enterprise 
BY BRIAN ROKOS | STAFF WRITER | Published: February 10, 2014; 03:09 PM Former equestrian Elin Thomas, 65, likes to joke that she traded in a heartbeat horse for an iron horse.
Thomas is aware that her newest recreational ride — a touring motorcycle — is not as easily seen by drivers of four-wheel vehicles. So Thomas chose a red bike, she wears a red helmet and she hung “dangly things” from the handlebar grips to make her more noticeable.
“And I’m always driving defensively,” said Thomas, a Riverside resident. “As if I’m invisible.”
California Highway Patrol officers hope to see more riders like Thomas during their year-long enforcement and education campaign designed to reduce crashes and injuries. Officers plan to set up information booths at well-attended events and promise a highly publicized enforcement effort in the San Bernardino area in June.
Other Inland law-enforcement agencies plan periodic saturation patrols that will target motorcycle riders but also cite vehicle drivers who illegally get in riders’ way.
“We have to make sure we create a safer environment for these riders,” CHP Officer Steve Carapia said.
Crashes killed 139 riders in Riverside County and 156 in San Bernardino County from 2008 to 2012, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Per capita, Riverside had fewer fatalities than Los Angeles and San Francisco counties and San Bernardino had more.
In January, six people died in Inland motorcycle crashes, according to county coroner reports. Officials, however, said they are not seeing an increase in motorcycle wrecks.
Ten San Bernardino city traffic officers took to the streets Jan. 18 on a special patrol, looking for motorcycle violations. Sgts. Vicki Cervantes and David Green supervised from a police car and discussed motorcycle safety.
“There’s two kinds of riders — those that have gone down and those that will go down,” Cervantes said.
Therefore, they said, it is important to put protection ahead of style by wearing crash-resistant, reflective clothing and full helmets instead of the novelty half shells that some riders enjoy.
Officer Jose Castro pulled over a motorcyclist who had been lane splitting — which is legal — but who had also been drifting between lanes, cutting off vehicles. The rider was cited for an unsafe lane change.
“That and speeding are the two biggest violations,” Castro said.
Motorcycle riders and vehicle drivers place and share blame for collisions. Riders say drivers need to pay more attention; drivers say speeding riders unnerve them by materializing almost out of nowhere.
“Yes, there are idiots out there on motorcycles that make us look bad,” said Jim Bridges, site manager for Riverside Harley-Davidson.
He refers to cars as “cages” because they surround bikes on the road.
“The No. 1 thing,” he pleaded to drivers, is “be aware of us out there and pay attention.”
Bridges, 50, is leading a safety class Saturday, Feb. 8, for members of the Ladies of Chrome and Leather, the Inland chapter of the international Women in the Wind. Thomas, the 65-year-old rider, is the chapter vice president.
She admitted to lapses of concentration herself and said some younger riders aren’t careful.
“Testosterone gets in the way,” she said. “I ache for those kids who think riding a bike is the same as driving a car. There are no fender benders with motorcycles.”
Thomas and others recommend motorcycle safety courses. They are mandatory for anyone younger than 21 who wants a license. But older riders can get a license by passing a written Department of Motor Vehicles exam and showing riding skills in tests that don’t go beyond the streets around a DMV office.
Jason Geiger, 42, rides his motorcycle from Riverside to work in Buena Park. He said a CHP-approved safety course heightened his awareness of what to watch for.
Geiger just wishes drivers were more attentive. He sees them illegally holding cellphones to their ears every day.
One such driver changed the life of former Riverside resident Scott Shepherd, 49.
In 2010, Shepherd had fixed a flat tire on a pregnant woman’s car on Highway 91 near Serfas Club Drive. As he eased his motorcycle into the slow lane, a driver talking on her cellphone merged from the left lane to the offramp, striking him.
The impact threw Shepherd 30 feet. He still has three metal rods in his back and has difficulty bending and lifting.
“One person’s irresponsibility could have a long-term effect on someone else’s life,” Shepherd said.
Contact Brian Rokos at 951-368-9569 or
1. Ride within your skill level. Without practice, you might not be able to do maneuvers your friends can, or your motorcycle might be more powerful than you can handle.
2. Wear proper clothing. That includes reflective gear at night; a full, Department of Transportation-approved helmet rather than the German military-style half shell; and strong or heavyweight clothing that can protect you in a fall.
3. Practice defensive riding. Don’t assume other vehicles can see you. Aggressive riding, including going far faster than slowed traffic while lane splitting, can be dangerous.
4. Take a DMV-approved riding course. “It’s huge. It teaches you a lot of awareness of what to look for,” says Riverside resident Jason Geiger.
5. Brake evenly. About 75 percent of braking power comes from the front brake. Squeeze the front brake progressively and use the rear brake as well, says Jim Bridges, of Riverside Harley-Davidson.
1. Avoid distractions that could cause you to not see motorcyclists. “My No. 1 advice for four-wheel drivers is to stay off of cellphones and pay attention to their surroundings,” former Riverside resident Scott Shepherd said.
2. Double check for motorcyclists. A bike can easily be hidden in a car’s blind spot. In addition to looking at mirrors, turn your head and look.
3. Don’t follow too closely. Motorcyclists often slow by downshifting or merely rolling off the throttle, thus not activating their brake light.
4. Don’t expect a motorcycle to dodge you. Maneuverability is one of a motorcycle's better characteristics, but not at faster speeds or in poor weather conditions.
5. Assume a motorcycle is closer than it appears. Because of its small size, a motorcycle may look farther away than it is. It may also be difficult to judge a motorcycle’s speed.
SOURCES: Motorcycle Safety Foundation, San Bernardino Police Department, interviews with motorcycle riders


Santa Monica Police to Enforce Motorcycle Safety

Harding, Larmore Kutcher & Kozal, LLP
By Daniel Larios Special to The Lookout
February 10, 2014

-- The Santa Monica Police Department will step up efforts to prevent motorcycle accidents Saturday.
During SMPD’s Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operation extra officers will take to the streets to look for reckless motorcyclists and drivers.
“Officers will be looking for those who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, speeding, making illegal turns, or any other dangerous violations that will lead to motorcycle collisions,” said Sgt. Jay Moroso, the Police Department spokesperson.
While motorcycle fatalities dropped 37 percent from 2008 to 2010, they rose 23 percent by 2012.
Just last week, a 30 year old motorcyclist was killed during a collision with another vehicle at the intersection of Santa Monica Boulevard and Barrington Avenue, about a mile outside of Santa Monica.
Saturday’s enforcement operation is aimed at curbing motorcycle deaths, Moroso said.
"Both police presence and action works in preventing these kinds of collisions but the most important way to get people to comply to the law and safe habits is to educate them,” he said.
“Education is the best way to prevent any accident out on the road,” he said.
According to authorities, the primary causes of motorcycle accidents include speeding, unsafe turning and impairment due to alcohol and other drugs.
The Santa Monica Police Department is also reminding motorists to always be alert and watch out for motorcycles, especially when turning and changing lanes.
“The message to all drivers and motorcyclists is: share in the responsibility and do your part by safely ‘sharing the road,'" Moroso said.
The Department is also reminding riders to be cautious and use common sense.
"Drive defensively," Moroso said. "You can't be as visible as you are in a car and you have to anticipate where each car is going.
"Stop at the stop signs and don't speed," he said. "Speeding is a always a major factor in accidents. The laws of physics are the laws of physics."
Sensible clothing can also be a factor in motorcycle safety, Moroso said.
“We highly recommend motorcyclists wear protective gear, which includes helmets, leather jackets, gloves and boots," he said. "Always wear substantial footwear that will protect your feett in case of a collision.
"A sandal won't stop a 600 pound motorized vehicle from doing any kind of lasting damage," said Moroso.
Riders can get training through the California Motorcyclist Safety Program. Information and training locations are available at or 1-877 RIDE 411 or 1-877-743-3411.
Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
