Wednesday, February 5, 2014

California Figures Out How To Effectively Disarm Law-Abiding Citizens

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At the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Franklin said “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” Remember that quote as you read this article my friends, because California has effectively figured out how to disarm its law-abiding citizens through their new micro-stamping law!
Essentially if a firearms manufacturer makes any changes to a gun that’s already acceptable in California, no matter how minor of a change it may be, that gun falls off the approved list. This requires the firearms manufacturer to start the approval process all over again from step 1. Minor improvements are made to firearms constantly, and none of these changes effect the functionality of the weapons in any way, shape, or form. California doesn’t seem to understand that though, so they classify the weapon as “unsafe” for their state. There is however, a convenient clause that exempts law enforcement from these regulations.
That being said, Ruger and Smith & Wesson have already publicly stated that due to this laws lunacy, they’re going to be unable to comply with these new restrictions. So as these semi automatic handguns fall off the list, the list will shrink down to nothing within a few years, making the semi automatic pistol truly a “ghost gun.” Perhaps Sen. Kevin De Leon really did know what he was talking about.
All joking aside, quite recently Ruger CEO Michael Fifer was interviewed. Please listen to the video below, and pay very close attention to what Mr. Fifer says between 2:35 to 4:00 into the interview.
As former law enforcement, allow me to answer your question Mr. Fifer. You ask if you should deny weapons to the Sheriff’s who are basically good people, just because the law-abiding California citizens can’t own it? THE ANSWER IS YES! These are weapons that the wonderful California law makers have deemed as “unsafe!” If they’re not safe for a husband protecting his wife, a mother protecting her children, or a father protecting his family, then WHY are they safe for anybody else in California? This includes law enforcement. Surely there lives are not valued higher than any other law-abiding Californian.
I could only hope that one, JUST ONE firearms manufacturer would take a stand. California wrote and passed a ridiculous law. I get that. This law joins the ranks with 10,000 other ludicrous laws. But this happens because we let them. If California LEO’s weapons supply’s start drying up, what do you think the police officers union would have to say about that? Could they pressure law makers to repeal the law? Maybe, maybe not. But if manufacturers continue to supply “unsafe” weapons to California LEO’s, the only one to suffer will be the law-abiding Californian. Not the LEO’s, and certainly not the criminals.

So I go back to the wise words from Benjamin Franklin at the beginning of this article. Those words hundreds of years later still ring with truth. If America (and California for that matter) can’t stand as one loud patriotic voice, we will assuredly hang separately. I’m Eric Reed, and may god bless America.
