Sunday, February 9, 2014

AUSTRALIA - All Tattooists to be Finger Printed, Palm Printed & Photographed for Government Database...


OFF THE(Real News Australia) A Queensland tattoo parlour owner is using the power of social media to air his concerns of new draconian laws being imposed on Queenslanders. Sunshine Coast based Caloundra Tattoo Studio owner Angelo Garozzo has sent via registered post his response written on the very same letter he received.
“I will not be attending this gross violation of privacy that this ridiculous act forces on people. I will not be paying for any licence until it is amended”, is written and accompanied by his wet ink signature and name.
Angelo, who is admittedly a member of the Rebels Motorcycle Gang, is furious not only about the government wanting $1900 for the licence but the whole idea of what this actually represents. “It’s about the government saying you’re guilty until proven innocent not innocent until proven guilty. That’s what these laws really mean. Just like the VLAD law (Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Bill 2013). It’s about taking more and more of our rights away”, said Mr Garozzo.
Mr Garozzo says he’s not alone on this and that he’s aware of 20 other tattoo parlours on the Sunshine Coast alone who are up in arms about the new legislation titled Tattoo Parlours Act 2013 which came into effect on January 6, 2014. “I won’t be dictated to by a tyrant”, said Angelo. He’s yet to confirm however if he’s the only operator to take the stance of non-compliance to which he believes are unjust and unconstitutional laws.
Social media is proving to be an effective weapon in the fight for our rights. Numerous videos have surfaced (below) recently and gone viral exposing the harassment by Queensland Police against even social non-criminal motorcyclists. Mr Garozzo’s photo is no different. Within a few hours of posting it on the Caloundra Tattoo Studio Facebook page it’s seen well over 600 shares, over 1,200 likes and hundreds of comments with practically all of them showing their support for Mr Garozzo. This post has attracted more activity on his page than any other previous posts.

Mr Garozzo has uploaded his own video footage (below) of similar attention he has received by Queensland Police. Under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000police have the power to search your vehicle without a warrant if it’s being used or in possession by a member of a declared criminal organisation. Power, which Angelo believes, is being abused by the government. “Our rights are slowly being taken away and too many people have their hand in the sand. Most people don’t even want to hear about it”, he said.

According to Mr Garozzo only 0.4% of all crimes in Queensland are perpetrated by bikie gangs or gang members. “We’re not all bad guys. Back in the day we used to let people think that we were the meanest, toughest, baddest blokes around. We liked that image. Now, we’re all Grandfathers”.
It’s important for all Australians to know their rights and familiarise themselves with these new laws being passed. There’s a big misconception that the VLAD law is about bikies. In fact the word “bikie” or even “motorcycle” doesn’t even appear in the legislation and it’s irresponsible of the main stream media to label it the “Anti-Bikie Laws”. These laws set a dangerous precedent as it’s left wide open as to who the government may deem to be a “criminal organisation”. With the G20 coming to Brisbane in November this year the likelihood that groups present to protest the gathering of economic world leaders being added to that list is high.