Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Shameless Plug

A friend of this page, and an occasional commenter, named Amy Irene White has a couple of internet radio shows. She asked me to mention them and I am a soft touch.
Amy broadcasts a show called Bikers versus Muslims every Monday from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Central Time which, if you are drunk when you read this, is ten until midnight in New York, Boston, Rock Hill and Miami and 7 p.m. to nine on the Left Coast. You can listen to the show here.
Tonight the show will feature a long interview with C.J. Allan, a former International President of the Hessians Motorcycle Club. C.J. is an engraver by trade. He started engraving bike parts with Indian Larry and many of you have seen his work.
Of course tonight’s show, like all of them, will feature hearty helpings of Muslim bashing. And, since Amy currently seems to be involved in a Twitter war with the cast of The Devils Ride, tonight’s entertainment may also include a few pointed remarks about that absolutely true and indispensible look at what it is really like to be an outlaw biker.

Biker Bedtime Stories

Amy’s other show is called Biker Bedtime Stories. You can listen to that on Sunday and Wednesday nights at ten Central. Last night’s episode featured the gentle and moderate J.J. Solari, a former Mouseketeer and Easyriders contributor who sometimes offends people in the comments section here.
Those who have not yet encountered J.J. might enjoy his recent capsule review of The Devils Ride:
The Devils Ride is probably the worst television show in the history of electricity. It is more likely that Searching For Bigfoot will find a bigfoot than that The Devils Ride will achieve a level of entertainment value surpassing the fun of watching maggots devour a carcass. O.J. Simpson smiling his fairylike simpleton smile at a jury is more powerful and riveting entertainment. Seeing the baby grinning a gas-induced grin at Granma is more phenomenally amazing than all the episodes of The Devils Ride put together and played on an Imax screen inside your very asshole. And yet to hear the people connected with the show talk about the show you would think that Vietnam and Korea and all the ordnance used to make it lively and sparkly were as sleeping puppies in the mommy dog’s womb compared to the ferocity of life of The Devils Ride that plays out on the handheld screen as you watch it, yawning, while standing at the urinal taking a piss. “We’re the real thing, bro! Yo! You have no idea! You are talking shit! We know about you! We could tell people some things about you! You better stop talking that shit! We can come down on you hard! You know who you’re talking to?”

Amy Speaks

White also has opinions about bikers and the funhouse mirror of mass media:
“Suddenly, thanks to idiots like Kurt Sutter, there is a new breed of biker,” she writes. “A sagging calf length shorts and white Nike wearing, flat billed baseball cap and rap music toting gangsta style moronic type idiot seems to have emerged from the bowels of Anarchy. The magazines that used to sell gun wallets and print marijuana brownie recipes are now so nauseatingly politically correct that I believe they would disintegrate if a real biker even farted on them. This ‘Oh, we can’t mention drugs or guns or pussy or anything else interesting because it might offend someone’ attitude is to the point that colors aren’t even allowed at some events hosted by popular magazines. There are riding rules that state you are supposed to wear your cut if you are on your bike. What do these event planners expect you to do with your cuts? Stick ‘em up your asses? I say fuck that. Fuck these Justin Bieber-slash-Vin Diesel wannabe bikers. I mourn the loss of the old bikers – the real ones. I cry like a baby at every casket I see containing a grizzled, hairy old guy whose mind held the legends of a million miles. I search in vain at Sturgis, at Daytona…looking for that campfire surrounded by wind weathered, worn leathered ghosts of the past. More and more I feel that it is imperative to get back to who we once were. A force to be reckoned with. Not mice but men.”
This kind of iconoclasm is not everybody’s cup of tea. But if it isn’t you probably stumbled onto this page by accident, anyway. If you are offended, you can get even more offended here.