Friday, January 24, 2014

Will you "enlist" in the service of veterans?


Empower A Veteran!
Gene Murphy
Vietnam Veteran Gene Murphy asks you to step forward now with your generous Commanders Club contribution!
Dear Philip,
Wars in the hearts of our veterans will never end, even though most of America’s troops will leave Afghanistan by the end of this year.
Those who came home ill and injured need your loyalty now because their sacrifices only began in places like Tora Bora, Fallujah, Kandahar and the Sunni Triangle.
Because the personal battles of those scarred in our defense will last the rest of their lives, it is my pleasure to invite you to a higher level of devotion to those who served.
Philip, can I count on you to sign on as a member of our most devoted fellowship of friends - the DAV Commanders Club?
Will you respond right now to pressing needs among veterans with service-connected conditions — including many in CA?
97% of Americans just ignore our urgent requests to help those who sacrificed so much in their defense.
But I'm certain you'd never turn your back on a veteran harmed by war, Philip, and this is the moment to make a stand!
So take your stand. Make your 2014 Commanders Club Commitment.
2014 CC
Grateful for your loyalty!
Marc Burgess
J. Marc Burgess
DAV National Adjutant/CEO
Disabled American Veterans | P.O. Box 14301 | Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301
Copyright © DAV, All Rights Reserved. DAV is a tax-exempt organization, and all contributions are tax-deductible according to IRS regulation.