Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Government Texts Sent Out: “Dear Subscriber, You are Registered as a Participant in a Mass Disturbance.”

You may have heard about the public protests taking place in the Ukraine, but what you may have missed is frightening. Citizens of the country were in receipt of thousands of  unsigned texts, in which the Kiev cellular providers have denied ever sending. Each was in receipt of the same message; ” Dear Subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance.”
The messages have come after the country banned public protest and demonstrations, of which the citizens are fighting back against.
Some predict that the text feat was pulled off using geo-tracking capability on the phones of the protestors assembled in downtown Kiev.  International media that was on the scene also received the text, so the geo-tracking is likely the method that was used by the sender.
This is not the first time this has happened.  A text blast was sent to protestors in Egypt during Mubarak’s presidency in 2011, appealing to “honest and loyal men to confront the traitors and criminals and protect our people and honor.”
As of now, Kiev cell phone companies are denying involvement and pointing to hackers.
The government has not released an official statement on their involvement or lack thereof.  Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, blamed the European Union and United States politicians for encouraging the fighting of the last week. 
These instances are eerily similar to a movie trailer known as “Dragon Day”, in which U.S. Citizens are prompted following invasion, to swear their allegiance to the republic after mass texts are sent out to the population.