Thursday, December 26, 2013

Texas VA hospital that banned elementary school students from sending Christmas cards to wounded veterans.


Another day, another VA hospital bans religious liberties under a new Obama policy.
Yesterday, we reported on a Texas VA hospital that banned elementary school students from sending Christmas cards to wounded veterans.

Today we present a new disgrace as a Georgia VA hospital told a group of high school students they could not sing most Christmas carols to patients. Songs such as “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World” and “O Come All Ye Faithful” were not "deemed appropriate" for the new, anti-religion VA.


Another day, another VA hospital bans religious liberties under a new Obama Administration policy.
Yesterday, we reported on a North Texas VA hospital that banned elementary school students from sending Christmas cards to wounded veterans.
Today we present a new disgrace courtesy of  the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center in Augusta, Ga.,  which told a group of high school students they could not sing most Christmas carols to patients.
Students from the Alleluia Community School were banned from singing any religious-themed Christmas carols to patients including “Silent Night,” “Joy to the World” and “O Come All Ye Faithful.”
Instead, when they arrived to perform, the students were given a list of 12 Christmas songs provided by the hospital’s pastoral service that had been “deemed appropriate for celebration within the hearing range of all veterans.”
In other words, all secular, nothing sacred, as CBS Atlanta reported.
“Military service veterans, male and female, represent people of all faiths,” hospital spokesman Brian Rothwell said in a statement to the newspaper. “It is out of respect for every faith that The Veterans Administration gives clear guidance on what ‘spiritual care’ is to be given and who is to give it.”
Dan Funsch, the school’s principal, said this is the first year they’ve been told not to perform religious carols.
“This is not a religious proselytizing, evangelistic issue,” he told the newspaper. “The song Joy to the World is as much a part of the holiday spirit as the Christmas tree.”
The VA said their policy is meant to welcome and respect all faiths while at the same time protecting them from “unwelcomed religious material.”
Principal Funsch said his students, on principle, decided not to comply with the government-approved list of Christmas carols and they cancelled their concert.
“From our point of view, the purpose of Christmas and its carols is to celebrate and honor the birth of Jesus, and if that goal is taken from us, it is an issue we do not want to be a part of,” he told the newspaper. “We do not think it is a good idea to systemically weed out religious Christmas songs from being sung in certain places.”

This is the Constitution on Obama: freedom from religion, unless of course that religion is Islam.