Monday, December 2, 2013

AUSTRALIA - Police threaten girl's charity ride under new laws


A CHARITY motorbike ride will go ahead today despite police warnings that any outlaw bikies who participate would risk being arrested and put the event in jeopardy.

Sunshine Coast resident Marc Revere has organised the event to raise funds for 20-year-old Lucy McGrail, a family friend who is suffering Lyme disease.

Unfortunately, the innocent event has been caught up in potential pitfalls due to Queensland's strict anti-bikie laws.

"I just want to see a good day for Lucy. I just want to see people come out and ride their bikes and have a good day with no harassment," Mr Revere said.

While the event does not need a permit, police have been informed of the ride as required.

"We do know police will be there, undercover, and out on the roads as well, not there to harass, just to keep an eye on things," he said.

Mr Revere has been warned that, if the event involves three or more outlaw bikie gang members or associates, those riders could risk arrest.

"We will be watched, they will be watching for club members who attend," Mr Revere said.

"If there's more than three members together - it doesn't matter if it's from one club or different clubs, or an associate - they'll be locked up for six months, no bail, and lose their bikes."

The event will not be cancelled as it has been advertised for three months in a national motorbike magazine and at local pubs and motorbike shops.

"I haven't invited any bikie club members as such. It's just open to everyone," Mr Revere said.

"If any bikie club members show up, or an associate of clubs, they'll be asked to leave. It's a day for Lucy.

"Australia doesn't recognise Lyme disease, and the money raised will help her get treatment and pay medical bills."

"We want a good day and a good party afterwards at a local pub."

It's the second annual fundraising ride for Lucy. Last year the event raised about $2000 for her treatment and medical bills.

The bike ride starts today at the Apollonian Hotel, Boreen Point, at 10.30am.

The six-hour, 200km ride finishes at the Country Life Hotel, Kin Kin, and includes three stops. Entry is $15 for riders, $5 for passengers. There will be prize giveaways during the ride.

Lyme disease is an infectious condition caused by at least three bacteria and spread by tick bites.

Police did not comment by deadline.