Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Funding for the Special Diabetes Program must be continued!

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 The progress we’ve made could be reversed if Congress doesn’t take action on one of the nation’s most effective diabetes programs.
Write your legislators and tell them the Special Diabetes Program is an investment worth making.
Take Action Now!
Dear Phillip,
If you had the chance to make an investment that saved millions of lives, you’d make it without question, right?

The Special Diabetes Program (SDP) is that kind of investment. It helps millions of Americans with diabetes every year, improving the prevention and management of diabetes. One day it could lead us to a cure for diabetes.

November is American Diabetes Month – a time for Diabetes Advocates like you to educate policy makers about the seriousness of diabetes and its complications. Fittingly, it’s also Native American Heritage Month, which celebrates a community disproportionately suffering from type 2 diabetes and is the focus of one of SDP’s two programs.

In other words, tell Congress it’s the perfect moment to continue making the investment.

Tell them to reauthorize SDP now!

The Special Diabetes Program has transformed the lives of people living with diabetes. Put simply – SDP is changing how we approach diabetes research, treatment, and prevention – saving eyes and limbs – and lives.

And If SDP isn’t reauthorized, we risk turning back and leaving millions without the research and services needed to stay healthy.

If you aren’t willing to let this happen, join me in writing your Members of Congress today and urge them to reauthorize SDP. They need to hear from constituents like you! 

Let’s not turn back now. SDP is already making a difference in our fight to Stop Diabetes®.

Thanks you for everything you do.
Gina Gavlak Picture   

Gina Gavlak Signature
Gina Gavlak
National Advocacy Committee Chair
American Diabetes Association
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