Saturday, November 9, 2013

ear NSA- I'm sure this is just a subplot to an future Larry Bond novel.

 I normally scoff at "alarmist" stuff.

> >>     If you are thinking of signing up for Obama Care, read this exposé that
> >> may make you
> >>  think that paying a fine will be a better alternative:

> >>    We have already established that is not a functioning
> >> database application that allows people to shop for competing health plans.
> >> It is actually a government-run Trojan Horse that suckers people into
> >> creating accounts where they hand over:
> >>  € Name and address
> >>  € Email address and password
> >>  € Social security number
> >>  € Private bank account details
> >>  € Employer details and other information

> >>  During the enrollment process, your computer also hands over your computer
> >> IP address which is then tied to your social security number.
> >>
> >>  This IP address is then handed over to the NSA thanks to its new
> >> mega-black-hole data center in Utah, where your IP is cross-referenced with
> >> all website visits, including:

> >>  € "Anti-government" websites
> >>  € Porn sites
> >>  € Gambling sites
> >>  € File sharing sites
> >>  € "Terrorism" support sites
> >>  € Encryption service sites like Hushmail
> >>  € Chat rooms, message boards and more

> >>  Armed with this information, the NSA can then link your seemingly-anonymous
> >> online chats, comments and posts with your social security number. Linguistic
> >> algorithms can "score" your online posts to create red flags that call for
> >> additional investigations of anyone using words like "liberty" or "patriot."

> >>  This information can then be turned over to law enforcement, as is found in
> >> the fine print of the Maryland Obamacare exchange, which states:

> >>  ...we may share information provided in your application with the
> >> appropriate authorities for law enforcement and audit activities.

> >>  Thus, by enrolling in Obamacare, you are voluntarily surveilling yourself
> >> and handing over the data to the government while also AGREEING to terms of
> >> self-incrimination.

> >>  Ponder the implications of this for a moment...

> >> Obamacare is actually a self-incrimination surveillance program designed to
> >> ensnare the American people in a devil's contract
> >>    Obamacare is the meta-level con of tricking Americans into thinking
> >> they're signing up for free health insurance when, in reality, the website
> >> primarily exists to scrape personal financial details, passwords, emails and
> >> social security numbers from Americans who will later be targeted by the
> >> government itself.
> >>
> >>  All the emails registered with, for example, will likely be
> >> used by theObama administration to spam people with political propaganda or
> >> contrived "terror alerts" that use fear to concentrate more power in the
> >> hands of government.
> >>
> >>  All the financial data will be turned over to the IRS for criminal
> >> investigations of Americans who are suspected of under-reporting their
> >> incomes (or supporting "patriot" groups with financial donations).
> >>
> >>  All the passwords used on will be turned over to the NSA and
> >> matched up with individual IP addresses so that NSA operatives can hack into
> >> private bankaccounts, encrypted email accounts and other private data, based
> >> on the assumption that most users use identical passwords across all the
> >> websites they commonly access. (A person's password under Obamacare probably
> >> has a 50% chance of also working for their online banking. And since the NSA
> >> has your social security number, it's a no-brainer to match up your online
> >> surfing habits with your phone number, home address, investment holdings, tax
> >> returns, international travel history and so on.)
> >>
> >>  In essence, Obamacare allows the government to gather a goldmine of private
> >> data that can be exploited to target, punish, incriminate, blackmail or steal
> >> from any desired target.
> >>
> >>  As this is a federal government that believes it now has total power to do
> >> anything it wants without limit, there are no boundaries of what it might do
> >> with this data. Remember, Obama is the president who literally maintains
> >> "kill lists" of Americans to have terminated. This is openly admitted and
> >> confirmed. The Obama administration also believes it can bypass Congress and
> >> simply create new law by executive order, concentrating all power into its
> >> own hands with no regard for the separation of power upon which this nation
> >> was founded.
> >>
> >>  As is common with tyrants, the Obama administration truly believes the
> >> People have noright to privacy, no right to due process, no right to
> >> representation in government and no right to determine your own engagement in
> >> commerce. This is why Obama is playing such hardball to shove Obamacare down
> >> everybody's throats: the government desperately needs to gather all this
> >> surveillance data so that it can leverage it to blackmail members of the U.S.
> >> Supreme Court, the Senate, the House, and even federal judges. Blackmail is
> >> essential to maintaining power in a corrupt society. is the
> >> portal for scraping passwords, IP addresses and even financial details from
> >> anyone gullible enough to actually hand this over to government (i.e.
> >> democrats).
> >>
> >>  All dignity is now gone from the Obama administration. Zero credibility
> >> remains. The government has all but openly declared war on the People and is
> >> actively using tricks to coerce people into incriminating
> >> themselves. The Obama administration is out of control and a grave danger to
> >> society. It must be lawfully stopped from damaging America any further.
> >>
> >>  Now is the time to seriously discuss impeachment, not just of the President
> >> but of every U.S. Senator and House member who voted for this
> >> unconstitutional, "Trojan Horse" health care system that's destroying
> >> America's economy and wasting an unprecedented amount of time, money and
> >> effort. End Obamacare now and restore dignity and justice to America.