Tuesday, December 3, 2013

AUSTRALIA - Pink Protest In Oz

The Australian state of Queensland is about to “toughen” its anti-biker club laws. New legislation expected to be enacted this week would make former members of clubs subject to the same restrictions as current members of clubs.
Under the current set of executive decrees, members of banned motorcycle clubs are banned from managing, owning or working in tattoo parlors. Imminent changes to the current law would also forbid alleged club members from working in the construction trades, owning used car dealerships, driving tow trucks, owning health clubs, working as security guards or working at any other licensed occupation.
Under the current law members of 26 clubs including the Bandidos, Comancheros, Mongols, Gypsy Jokers, Hells Angels, Red Devils, Iron Horsemen, Rebels and Outlaws are banned from gathering in groups of three or more, going to banned locations like bars, hotels or clubhouses or recruiting new members. Men accused of belonging to clubs must inform on one another and can be sentenced to special biker prisons. Borrowing a notion from American nut job and Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, imprisoned Australian bikers must now wear pink prison garb.
All motorcyclists in Queensland, whether patch holders or not, have been harassed since the laws went into effect in October.

Politician Speaks
Campbell Newman, Premier of Queensland and the brain behind the new laws, said the new occupations banned to alleged club members are “industries which have been identified…that the Queensland police…have indicated are the subjects of money laundering by bikie gangs.”
“Do you want a locksmith working at your place or your business that is owned by a criminal bikie gang,” Newman continued. “Do you want your children going to a nightclub where the staff on the door are employed by a criminal gang? If you are a motorist involved in a traffic accident or your car is towed … do you want your car in the hands of a criminal gang? I think these are real issues for Queensland that we will address.”
Terry O’Gorman, a spokesman for the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties said “This really shows the real intention and face of the government on this legislation. They are just wanting to severely victimize anyone in these past groups individually as much as they can.”

Pink Protest
Meanwhile Queensland bikers continue to protest the new laws in colorful ways. For example, a Harley Owners Group member named Trevor Acton has been riding around in a pink jumpsuit with “Fuck U Newman” printed on the back. Acton, a retired carpenter, began wearing the pink suit after he was pulled over and subjected to a long search.
Acton told the Brisbane Times he is helping to organize a protest run of Queensland bikers on December 7th. According to the Times all those riders will wear pink jumpsuits.


Philip, if people want to let the Queensland Government know what they think about the bikie situation, they can email premier@ministerial.qld.gov.au and attorney@ministerial.qld.gov.au. See attached doc with some notes!