Friday, November 29, 2013

AMA Opposes Federal Task Force for Helmet Laws


AMA Opposes Federal Task Force for Helmet Laws 
The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) declares an open opposition to the recommendation of the Community Preventive Services Task Force and which is aimed at making helmets mandatory when riding a motorcycle in all states.
Wayne Allard, AMA vice president for government relations declares: "The AMA strongly advocates helmet use, but helmet use alone is insufficient to ensure a motorcyclist's safety.
There is a broad range of measures that can be implemented to improve the skill of motorcycle operators, as well as reduce the frequency of situations where other vehicle operators are the cause of crashes that involve motorcycles."
Now, while I strongly believe in the freedom of choice in most aspects of life, when it comes to motorcycles, I'd say who rides without a helmet is a dead man riding.. or something like that.
And this is not because he or she is a lousy rider and would fall to severe injuries or death, but because the very roads are dangerous, even without the presence of reckless motorists.
It kind of seems like AMA dreams about ideal an ideal word with ideal roads, and all those like them are in for quite a big disappointment. Despite the very vocal enemies of helmet laws, the statistics are very easy to understand: riders without helmets die ten times easier than those with head protection.
It's a matter of choice, but blaming the severe injuries and deaths solely on bad roads and idiot drivers is just not cutting it, sorry.