Wednesday, October 23, 2013

USA - Russians: “These Dumb Americans Will Find Out How Dumb They Are on November 7th.”

3 caucasian men appearing to be of Russian descent from the language used to converse between them, were spotted at a bar by a fellow patron. The unidentified man relayed to the John Moore show that after eavesdropping on the conversation of the men, he was able to translate that they were speaking about the intelligence of Americans, describing them as “stupid and dumb”. The unidentified caller to the show alleges that the men were discussing the citizens finding out their intelligence deficit on November 7th, but he failed to identify any specific threat from the group.
The November 7th date is a significant day in American history, as it is the day that president Roosevelt was elected to his record 4th term in 1944, also the day of the 2000 controversial Bush/Gore election, that was later resolved in the Supreme Court. In 1957, this was the day that the Gaither report called for more American Missiles and fallout shelters during the cold war; and in 1983 it marked the date of a U.S. Senate bombing that resulted in more than $250,000 in damages, with no casualties.
Perhaps most significantly, this day marks the anniversary of the date that President Nixon’s veto of the War Powers Resolution was over-ridden by congress in 1973. The resolution limits the power of the president to wage a war without the approval of congress.
Without evidence or identity to verify the validity to the claims of the man in the bar, one can only speculate on all the possibilities for the conversation. It would benefit the American people as a whole if the parties involved in over-hearing conversations such as these, would contact openly or under anonymity, the intelligence community to alert them of their concerns. After checking with a few federal sites to find any current date significance, the only thing so far is a change in hours at the FEMA disaster Recovery center, those were changed in 2011, and they announced the shutdown of several centers on this date.
A broadcast of the radio show is included below for your viewing. Until evidence is provided of the people described in the alleged call-in, I guess you can throw another date on your calendar to add to those t-shirts entitled “I survived”. So far I have proudly lived through Y2K, The Mayan apocalypse, the second coming of Obama, and various dates throughout 2013 for planned collapses; most recently October 17th. Either someone is pulling dates out of their butt at this point, or I am one of the luckiest people on the planet with my impervious nature to catastrophe.
Just in case, it’s never too late to brush up on your skills: