Thursday, October 17, 2013

USA - Oath Keepers To Obama Administration; Bring On The Collapse!

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Oath Keepers To Obama Administration; Bring On The Collapse!

Oath Keepers
The Oath Keepers, sometimes a word whispered in the shadows. The list of this club includes the likes of Stewart Rhodes (founder), General Boykin, Senator Ted Cruz (R TX), Allen West, and lists every military veteran and law enforcement official  veteran as honorary members. It seems that they have decided enough is enough. Their latest to Obama and the people of his Administration that are holding us hostage;”bring on the collapse!”
We are flat running out of time and we need to get as prepared as possible as fast as possible.”~Stewart Rhodes
Oath Keepers is not some right-wing extremist group. In fact, they pride themselves on being non-partisan. They are formed of veterans, first responders, and civic servants who, like all military and law enforcement officers, take an oath to defend the Constitution “against all enemies foreign and domestic.” They point out that this oath is valid under Article VI of the Constitution, and that this Oath is to the Constitution, not to politicians, or political parties. Under that oath, they will not comply with any unlawful or unconstitutional order.
Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers in a very long and detailed message to all 30,000+ members and affiliates explains that time is short. This, one of the first communications put out since the decision was made to “go operational”. Stewart Rhodes explained to Catlin Dixon of the daily beast that since 2009, they have advocated for training “civilians” to protect themselves in the event of an emergency. He states with the current state of events the United States is on the “Fast Track” to economic ruin and that people need to learn to protect themselves because the government won’t be there to protect them. He is calling on all Oath Keeper units to recruit veterans, retired doctors, EMTs, and law enforcement to train what he calls “civilian preservation” teams in every community throughout the country.
We think this is what Americans should do anyway, but now we see that we’re seriously in a vulnerable position because most Americans don’t,” Rhodes told The Daily Beast. “After Hurricane Katrina and Sandy, we saw Americans dependent on FEMA, on a government that can’t do anything. People have been desperate, vulnerable to crime and vulnerable to dying” in such emergency situations, he said.The Daily Beast
But it isn’t a hurricane or flood that Rhodes is worried about it seems.  In fact he was very blunt that the emergency that he sees in the near future is the same one that every one of our readers has been worried about, the financial debt crisis and the very real possibility of economic collapse. He thinks the thing we have been writing about, could catapult us into the brink of chaos.
The foundation that he lays out in the e-mail states that there may be a time in the near future where the very government that we are under becomes the “enemy” to the constitution. He thinks this Administration is preparing to do the very thing we fear; “intentionally triggering a catastrophic economic collapse” to declare martial law, uproot the constitution, use billions of dollars worth of rounds that they have purchased, and use the armored vehicles and weapons stockpiled by the Department of Homeland Security and Law Enforcement agencies throughout the country who do not intend on following their Oath of office against We The People.
By setting in to action a plan to activate civilian preservation teams, modeled after the US Army’s Special forces, he plans to have America prepared to fight back if this occurs. The proposed 12 to 14 man groups should include  two communications experts, two medical experts, two engineers, two “strategic food reserve” specialists, and four-to-six “scouts” to be trained specifically in tracking, search and rescue, wilderness survival, rifle shooting and, of course, combat specialists. Rhodes told the daily beast that he doesn’t plan on emphasizing recruitment, but utilizing military veterans that we have in the United States to help train the civilian population with the knowledge they have.
They have all of these skills in every VFW. Rather than have them die and then all that training is lost, why not pass it on now?” Rhodes said. “The strongest America we can imagine is one where everyone has a speciality in their community, neighborhood, and even their families.”
Rhodes points to the citizen militias that have emerged across the Mexican state of Michoacan to fight the drug cartels terrorizing their towns as an example of what he’s going for.
“It’s ridiculous to disarm the people and tell them they have to rely on the police when the police cannot possibly protect you in some of these circumstances,” he said.~The Daily Beast
Rhodes is a Yale Law School graduate, and very articulate and calm in his demeanor. He doesn’t get all frothed at the mouth or yell and scream like some drunk militia member that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) loves to paint him out to be along with his “radical anti-government patriot movement”.
In fact listening to the man in person and the truth behind the movement sounds completely different from the extremists the Obama Administration paints them to be.  Of course the SPLC, who has taken on the role as a spokes piece for the Administration,  has not even redeemed itself from the bold lies of all Southerners “are racist and trailer trash on welfare” and other vulgar lies they have spouted since their founding in 2009.  The two don’t seem to agree at all. In fact the rhetoric from the SPLC sounds like the violent hate group it tries to portray the Oath Keepers to be!
According to Senior SPLC Fellow Mark Potok, the latest announcement that the Oath Keepers are “going operational” is further proof of the group’s radicalization.
“They’ve been up to their armpits in conspiracy theories, but haven’t formed militias or paramilitary groups before,” said Potok. Still, while there’s no doubt that’s exactly what the Oath Keepers are threatening to do, Potok is skeptical about whether these “civilization preservation” teams will ever materialize. “It’s a lot of big talk and bluster, but we’ll see if they actually pull it off,” said Potok. “I think real law enforcement officials would be appalled at these ‘citizen groups’ arming up and helping them.”
Potok says hatred of President Obama and fear of gun control are what’s really motivating Rhodes and his crew.
“What’s beneath the surface here is that Obama is going to destroy Western civilization and that they’ve got to somehow help. But, in fact, we’re probably not at the brink of the world and the United States doesn’t need help from Stuart Rhodes,” Potok said. “These are big boys who like to play with guns and they like to justify that by saying they’re defending the constitution. They’re really just an anti-government group who believe in a wild set of conspiracy theories.”
It’s exactly that kind of attitude that Rhodes believes will hurt Americans when the country inevitably falls apart.
“We’re headed for a Weimar Republic-style collapse,” he said. “And Americans are foolish to ignore it.”~The Daily Beast