Tuesday, October 29, 2013

USA - Dignity for special needs students .

    1. Petition by
      Adelaide, Australia

This petition will be delivered to: Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Multicultural Affairs Jennifer Rankine MP Dignity for special needs students.If your employer locked the door to the toilet and you had no option but to soil yourself, how would you feel? You would feel disgusted and humiliated. It’s against basic human rights. Since when do OH&S laws not apply to a students work place ? 
Now imagine you were a 6 year old boy that could not talk with a life long Journey ahead of you that was accompanied with a diagnosed case of profound Autism. Things are confusing enough for special needs children, let’s not make it even more confusing. In my sons’ case he is completely toilet trained, and takes himself as the need arises, with no assistance required , whilst at home. This took many years and many man hours to perfect and we are extremely happy with this achievement. 
Why anybody would want to hinder this development is beyond me. 
Let’s join together and be the voice for these kids. Together we can demand a change for the little people. Having special needs does not reduce your right to services and an education.
Jennifer Rankine MP, Minister for Education and Child Development,Minister for Multicultural Affairs 
Jennifer Rankine MP, Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Multicultural Affairs
We the people demand that you take appropriate action to ensure that the secure environment that the students of Christie Downs Special School spend their days, is fitted out with proper access to toilet facilities.
Direct, un-restricted, secure and supervised access should be made available to the students not only whilst in class but also in break times.
Sincerely, Paul Walters.
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